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Triple Factors Behind Her Chronic Yeast Infection

Her use of birth control, antibiotics and a vibrator resulted in a yeast infection.

Case #: 39561


I have found that my birth control pills, antibiotics, and vibrator are possible culprits behind my yeast infection. I think my poor immune system might be something do with it too.


All three can cause yeast infection as well as other sexual dysfunctions. First of all, antibiotics are not an effective treatment, if you constantly taking it. Antibiotics kill the good bacteria in your body and weaken your immunity, leading to future infections.

Birth control pills poison the liver's P450 detoxification system and shut down the function of your hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries. This leads to deficiency of androgen sex hormones and oxytocin, and excessive amounts of the inflammatory hormone and immune-suppressor prostaglandin E2. This causes adrenal fatigue, hypothyroidism and neuro-immune disorders.

Overuse of a vibrator can trigger a chronic elevation of prolactin and dopamine-norepinephrine/epinephrine conversion leading to pituitary-ovarian functional disorders and sexual exhaustion symptoms.

As a result, your uterine lining has become too thin to stop the discharge since it lacks natural progesterone. Also, your vaginal immunity has become very bad since the artificial hormones in the cervix and uterus causes vaginal dryness and releases a heavy, smelly cervical mucus.

Try Vaginal Relief & Detoxification Formula to reverse the damage caused by hormonal disruption from birth control pills and exhaustion. This formula can help you gradually rejuvenate your neuro-endocrine function, detoxify your liver, uterus and cervix, and boost your prostaglandin E-1 & E-3, oxytocin and nitric oxide production for healing.

To reduce recurrent yeast infections, supplement with lactobacillus cultures, a type of good bacteria that's common in your vagina. You can also try to douching safely with botanical ingredients.

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Views: 87


Blog ID: 61568

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