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Vaginal Infection Symptoms

Learn about a woman whose curiously itchy discharge is causing some sever intercourse pain.
Case #: 1267

I have a white discharge from my vagina. I'm not too sure on what the right course of action to take to clear up this problem would be. It seems heavier after I drink Alcohol. It is also itchy and interferes with sexual pleasure.

I know firsthand how uncomfortable a vaginal health issue can be. Depending on the type of infection, it can be itchy, smelly, and confusing above all. Based off of your brief description, I think it's safe to say that you've most likely contracted a common case on vaginitis.
Vaginal Infections

Vaginitis is an inflammation that occurs within the vagina. The inflammation will sometimes result in itching or irritation of the area. It may also lead to a noticeable odor, or increase the amount of discharge the vagina produces, painful intercourse, uncomfortable urination, and vaginal spotting. The four common types of vaginitis are: Bacterial vaginosis, Trichomoniasis, Atrophic vaginitis, and Yeast infections.
Bacterial Vaginosis

This type of vaginal infection occurs when there is a buildup of harmful bacteria within the vaginal walls. this bacterial imbalance may lead to a discharge that appears grayish-white and has a distinct fishy odor that becomes more intense after a session of sexual intercourse.

Trichomoniasis has many of the same attributes as bacterial vaginosis. However, this infection can be pin pointed if the patient's discharge appears frothy and has a greenish yellow tint to it.
Atrophic Vaginitis

If your symptoms include itching and burning that leads to a painful vaginal area, then the Atrophic infection is the one for you . . . So to speak.
Yeast Infections

The common yeast infection, though highly uncomfortable, is actually the easiest to treat. It can come about from simply not wearing proper undergarments, and can leave the body just as quietly as it came. If you are experiencing a noticeable itch, paired with thick white discharge that reminds you of cottage cheese, odds are you have a yeast infection.
The Good News

Luckily, there are many options that can help your body to expel the infection, and get you back on the better health track. Natural herbs such as Mexican Wild Yam, Fo Ti, Muira Puama, Safflower, and Ligustrum are great vaginal detoxification tools. Together they will work to restore liver functionality, which will help the body get rid of the harmful toxins withing the vagina. (TRY: Vaginal Infection Detox & Relief Formula)
You may also use natural douche products that have been infused with tee tree oil and St. John's wort. This is definitely a more aggressive plan of action, but I highly recommend it if the itching and odor seem to increase greatly.
Natural suppositories are another great option for vaginal infection. To insure you won't have to deal with this pesky infection again, drink plenty of cranberry juice each week, and try switching to cotton undergarments.

What to do

Vaginal Infection Relief & Detoxification Formula

Antibiotics and birth control pills can alter the balance of the ‘friendly’ micro flora that subsists in the vagina. Pathogens from these drugs can result in yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis, with symptoms ranging from abnormal discharge,...

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Views: 83

Ideas: Mujeres, flujo Vaginal

Blog ID: 58816

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