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Herbal Tincture For Lower Back Pain

Back pain can result from any number of causes, including injury, aging, illness and disease.  But what is rarely discussed is its relationship to excessive sex or masturbation. As discussed in great detail elsewhere on this site, back pain caused by excessive masturbation is the result of a complex chain reaction of chemical, nervous system and muscular activities.

Though it is not uncommon by any means, this cause of discomfort is often overlooked. Painkillers and aspirin aren’t for everybody. When a natural solution is recommended – or necessary due to health reasons - this formula has a history of proven effectiveness behind it.
Rehmannia (used for a variety of ailments) contains vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as other useful compounds that reduce the production of pro-inflammatory factors that contribute to physical discomfort. Cinnamomum Cortex is used in other remedies as well, known for its soothing effects and ability to fight pains of the abdomen and stomach and, of course, the back.
An herb essential blend to this formula are Eucommia and Achyranthes Root. Though it is often smoked to relieve lower back pain, when it is prepared properly in the context of this formula, it is actually even more effective in relieving overall discomfort of the back.

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Blog ID: 61320

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