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Nothing More than a Dream: She Can Orgasm in Her Sleep but has Never Done So While Awake

At the age of 30, this mother of four suffers from clitoral insensitivity. She was highly sensitive during her teen years and loved having sex as a result. Now, however, she feels almost nothing throughout her genitals and cannot orgasm. She has in fact never reached climax during waking hours, although she regularly does so while dreaming. Her longing now is to fix this problem so she can feel satisfied after making love.

Case #: 1170


Please help me. When I was around the ages of 16 to 19, I had a very sensitive clitoris, and inside me I felt great. It was beautiful making love. I am now 30 and have had four children along with gaining some weight. My real problem? I have never had an orgasm in my waking life, yet I am able to experience orgasms when I am asleep. Sometimes I will have a very sexual dream and wake up orgasming. I can’t orgasm when I am awake, especially when making love. Even worse, I have virtually no feeling in my clitoris or inside of me. Please help. Why can I orgasm when I am asleep but have absolutely no sensation at other times?


Intercourse doesn’t bring most women to climax. Many females instead need clitoral stimulation. This is because the vagina is not a sexual organ - but the clitoris is. This “button” as some call it contains a whopping 8,000 nerve endings that respond to licking, stroking and rubbing. All of those nerves extend throughout the genital and pelvic regions to interact with more than 15,000 total nerves. Suffice it to say if the clitoris doesn’t respond to sexual stimulation, a woman will struggle mightily to achieve orgasm.

Clitoral Insensitivity

The clitoris’s failure to respond to sexual advances is usually owed to nerve insensitivity. You already know this organ is packed full of nerves, but what you might not know is that the external portion of the clitoris is tiny. Every woman is different, but this spot will only range from 1/8 to 3/8 of an inch in size.

What does this mean for you? Having so many nerves compressed into such a small area gives way extreme sensitivity. Some women are so sensitive in this spot that they do not want direct touch. They instead prefer to leave their underwear on during foreplay or engage in other forms of stimulation to avoid direct skin-to-skin contact with the clitoris.

Repeated stimulation can slowly damage the clit’s nerve endings. For example, vibrators are known to pulse at such high rates of speed that they desensitize the clitoris altogether. Other women indulge in excessive masturbation and temporarily render their genitals numb to the touch. This damage is temporary but should be taken as a sign that the body needs a break from sex.

Linking Wet Dreams to Desensitization

Approximately 40 percent of all women have at least one wet dream before age 45. This is a relatively small group compared to 90 percent of all men who have nocturnal emissions. Wet dreams do not suggest you are sexually depraved or have abnormal subconscious thoughts. Rather, sex is a prominent part of human life. It’s in the movies we watch, books we read and discussions we partake.

It is therefore no wonder the subject of sex also pervades dreams. A man or woman might have a highly sexualized dream and then wake during climax. Other people sleep right through their nocturnal orgasms. In either case, if you are sexually stimulating yourself during these dreams, you may be contributing to your clitoral desensitization.

Other Factors in the Female Orgasm

Of course, stimulating the clitoris in just the right way and with just the right touch is a huge step in bringing a woman to orgasm. This is why slow and sensual foreplay factors so heavily into a woman’s sex life. Being aroused also makes the clitoris easier to find; it swells and engorges as a woman’s desire increases.

But the clitoris isn’t the only consideration with healthy sexual responses. A woman needs to feel comfortable with her body and secure with her relationship before she can relax enough to orgasm. She also needs encouragement from her partner, meaning your satisfaction in the bedroom should be as important as your lover’s.

A Potion for Passion

Now that we’ve laid the foundation for your first wide-awake orgasm, the time and work involved depends on you. To further assist this endeavor, you should consider an herbal formula designed to rejuvenate the clitoris. (SEE: Natural Herbal Formula for Clitoral Rejuvenation) Blended with such ingredients as Dong Quai and Mexican Wild Yam, this formula works directly on damaged nerves to heal and increase sensitivity. Your pleasure will know no bounds once you feel the restorative effects of ancient herbs coupled with modern understanding.

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观看次数: 78


笔记编号: 61151

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