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Stress Can Cause Vaginal Infections with Alarming Discharge

She has suffered from vaginal discharge and yeast infections for more than five years. It has lately become thick, green and quite profuse in nature. The symptoms she reports – no odor, occasional itching and clumpy appearance – suggest Candida caused by stress.

Case #: 588


For years I have had an abnormal vaginal discharge that comes and goes, and a long history of yeast infections. During the last five years it sometimes itches but usually does not. In the past six months or so it has become quite profuse and most of the time looks very thick and clumpy. It has no odor, and rather than cottage cheese, it looks like wads of wet paper – like spitballs. The most unusual thing is the discharge often has a greenish, almost blue tinge to it. What is it from, and how do I finally get rid of it?


The phrase “stress kills” might sound a little dramatic, but it is also true. Although stress hasn’t given you a life-threatening disease, it is causing you to suffer from chronic vaginal infection. This is evidenced by the excessive and abnormal vaginal discharge you describe. These symptoms suggest you have too much cortisol in your body. Creams and other topical medications will give you temporary relief, but you need to manage your stress in order to stop vaginal infections altogether.

Vaginal Discharge

It’s normal to have some vaginal discharge that changes in color and consistency throughout your 28-day cycle. Most women experience clear and/or milky discharge ranging from thin to stretchy. These changes occur at times of ovulation, arousal and heavy exercise, and they pose no worries.

However, the vaginal discharge you describe points to an infection in need of treatment. The vagina is an area crucial to female health, meaning you can’t ignore symptoms that suggest illness. You therefore need to be concerned anytime your discharge is other than clear or milky. Signs to look for include a cottage cheese appearance with itching and irritation indicative of a yeast infection; gray discharge accompanied by itching and odor to suggest common infection; and green or yellow discharge with odor that signifies a sexually transmitted disease.

What is Candida?

The green and frequent discharge you’re experiencing is likely caused by Candida. This bacterium lives naturally in small, controlled amounts in the intestinal tract. It feeds healthy bacteria that prevent disease-causing pathogens from entering the blood stream. However, Candida can grow prolifically when the immune system is suppressed or when a person eats foods rich in sugar, repeatedly uses antibiotics, takes birth control pills, or is on estrogen therapy. When this bacterium grows, it can spread to the vagina and cause infection.

One of the greatest contributors to Candida growth is stress, which diminishes the body’s natural immune responses. During times of stress, the body releases the hormone cortisol to prepare for “fight or flight.” Cortisol essentially causes the body to tense; it increases blood pressure and heart rate as well as signals anti-inflammatory responses so a person can focus on his or her immediate situation. It is a necessary chemical that helps a person respond to trauma and environmental extremes, but too much of it can be detrimental.

Cortisol and Immunity

Because cortisol suppresses inflammation, it also suppresses the immune system. Prolonged periods of stress make a person more susceptible to disease. This is what’s happening to you: your immunity is compromised by cortisol, which allows Candida to rapidly reproduce in your body. The result is persistent vaginal infections.

Eliminating Vaginal Infection and Discharge

You won’t be able to eliminate vaginal discharge and infections without first managing your stress. You can do this in a number of ways, including journaling, meditation and exercise. Each of these activities promotes the body’s release of endorphins, or “feel good” hormones. It will take time for your cortisol levels to drop, but your mental and physical well-being will improve rather quickly.

Yoga also helps with stress management and can be done in the privacy of your own home. This practice reduces stress and keeps your body fit. It also instills a sense of peace by forcing you to slow down and live in the moment. To hone in on the stress relieving qualities of yoga, engage in postures known to encourage calm and relaxed states. These include the child’s, eagle and crescent poses.

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观看次数: 81


笔记编号: 61149

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