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A Little Relief, Please

His wife took prescription antidepressants for nearly 10 years. She finally stopped after discovering she was hypoglycemic. Now she eats healthy whole foods and engages in exercise, but those factors haven’t yet restored her ability to orgasm. That side effect is caused by the antidepressants but can be corrected with an all-natural herbal supplement.

Case #: 920


My wife is 36 years old. We have been married for 19 years. Since our second child was born, my wife hasn’t been able to orgasm. She becomes excited but just at the point of orgasm, she has intense pain and we stop.

Just a brief history: we were involved in a motor vehicle accident about 10 years ago, and she was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. She was on antidepressants for almost 10 years. She would become hot and dizzy and throw up. We had a family friend that was a physician and suggested we check her blood sugar, and we found she was hypoglycemic. She went off the antidepressants and has been exercising and detoxing for about a year. She is off all sugar, and we eat all organic food.

While things are increasingly becoming better, she still can’t orgasm. Or, she possibly could – it just becomes extremely painful, and she makes me stop right at the point before she orgasms. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated.


Discovered by accident in the 1950s, the first antidepressant was intended to treat schizophrenia. It didn’t do the trick for those patients, but doctors did learn that by honing in on serotonin, a chemical that regulates a variety of activities in the body, they could reduce the symptoms of depression. Thus the antidepressant market was born.

But pills come with side effects. Many men and women who take antidepressants experience a host of problems, including restlessness, insomnia and headache. Like your wife, they also often suffer from sexual dysfunction.

Sexual Dysfunction and SSRIs

Many antidepressants fall into the category of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). This name reflects their activity in the brain, meaning they increase serotonin levels to boost mood. It is believed, although not proven, that depression is linked to fewer serotonin receptors in the brain.

But the role of any hormone within the body is complex, and serotonin is no exception. It is involved with learning, behavior, memory, and of course mood. Thrown into this complicated mix is the way in which mood naturally influences a person’s desire for sex. A man or woman who feels despondent probably won’t want intercourse and thus will not orgasm during the act. On the other hand, a partner who feels happy probably will. This correlation between mood and sexual desire is believed to be stronger in women than men.

How Antidepressants Influence Orgasm

Serotonin also impacts a woman’s pleasure during sex. The hormone is produced in the gastrointestinal tract, deep within the brain and in the female genitals. Specifically, nerves that traverse sexual organs contain serotonin. This suggests the chemical plays an important role in how women physically respond to intercourse, including the swelling of vaginal tissues and engorgement of the clitoris.

With regard to orgasm, serotonin is stored in the tissues where it is to be used. Its location throughout the female genitalia suggests it plays a strong role in sexual arousal as well as orgasm. Some researchers theorize the chemical promotes feelings of bliss by activating nerve receptors throughout the pelvic region. Too much or too little of the hormone, however, may cause those receptors to malfunction. This produces intense feelings of pain when a woman should be awash in bliss.

Set the Mood and Help Her Relax

After 10 years of experiencing pain at the point of orgasm, your wife has probably learned to associate sex with discomfort. At this time she needs to forget the past and concentrate on the future. You can help by creating a relaxed environment in which the two of you make love. Light some candles play soft music and even give a gentle massage to help ease her worries.

Before intercourse, you might also try to bring her to orgasm through clitoral stimulation. The clitoris is THE spot that usually sends women into rapture. Giving your wife an orgasm by gently stroking or licking this area will help her associate sex with pleasure. Once she reaches that point, she won’t be afraid to reach orgasm through intercourse.

Go for the All-Natural Relief

Pills are foreign substances that, with time, create a toxic build-up in the body. An herbal formula can help cleanse the liver and also stimulate healthy tissue growth. (TRY: Vaginal Detoxification &  Rejuvenation Formula) Ingredients like Turkey Rhubard and Catuaba offer additional assistance by decreasing inflammation. What this means for you and your wife is enhanced pleasure during sex so you both can orgasm without the hindrance of pain or worry.

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观看次数: 87


笔记编号: 61070

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