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Divorced Woman Lost Her Clitoral Sensation from Vibrator Damage

Woman suffers from sex organ insensitivity and inability to achieve an orgasm. Vaginal dryness is part of the problem, which is made worse by vibrator use.

Case #: 34395


I used to be very wet and easily aroused. After 2 children, my body is not same anymore. I am dry and can’t arouse as easy as before. After divorce, I missed the great time of enjoying sexual pleasure. I started using a vibrator and it was great the beginning. However, now when I masturbate, it's not easy to have an orgasm, and when so, it's not intense. I don't feel my clitoris or G-Spot any more.


It’s important to keep in mind, the last thing you want to do when suffering from vaginal dryness is use a vibrator without proper lubrication. You're only making the problem worse.

Underlying the vaginal and clitoral skins embedded with various neuro-endocrine receptors and glands for neurotransmitter and hormonal production. Continuously and aggressive abrasion and stimulation with vibrator use can disturb its neuroendocrine function, causing vaginal scarring and loosening and leading to vaginal and clitoral desensitization.

Vaginal dryness is a symptom of vaginal erectile dysfunction due to a lack of androgen hormones, oxytocin, prostaglandins, nitric oxide and cGMP release in the vaginal/arterial parasympathetic erectile nervous endings. When there is a lack of the androgen hormones androstenedione and testosterone and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, the clitoris and G-spot nerves will become desensitized, and women will experience erectile dysfunction of the clitoral, G-spot, and urethral spongy tissues, making it difficult or impossible to achieve sexual pleasure and orgasm.

Vaginal dryness is induced by progesterone domination, deficiency of estrogen, or poor vaginal blood circulation. As a result, when you suffer from vaginal dryness, you will experience vaginal abrasions during intercourse or masturbation. Thus, vaginal dryness causes intercourse pain and vaginal loosening.

The more insensitive the sex organs, the more women tend to use a vibrator to get pleasure out of the desensitized clitoral nerves and impotent spongy tissues. But overuse of a vibrator can cause the clitoris to lose its sensitivity. Testosterone and DHEA levels can become too low to power an orgasm. Over-stimulation drains out bioelectric energy, resulting in numbness, irritation and irresponsiveness of her clitoris and G-spot.

Also, the overuse of a vibrator can trigger a chronic elevation of prolactin and dopamine-norepinephrine/epinephrine conversion leading to pituitary-ovarian functional disorders and sexual exhaustion symptoms.

To rejuvenate and repair the vaginal scar tissues, realign the imbalance hormone, and relieve from vaginal dryness, start the Vaginal Insensitivity and Dryness Relief Remedy. Vaginal Moisturizing Gel in this remedy can starts off with temporary relief from new vaginal scar formation and graduate help you recover from the sensitivity problems.

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Blog ID: 60969

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