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When in Doubt, Don't Stretch it Out – The Dangers of Jelqing

Can penis enlargement exercises actually be dangerous? The answer is yes, and more than you know. Learn the facts.

Case #: 1788


I was reading online about jelqing techniques for penis enlargement, and I thought I'd give it a try. At 4.5 inches I was willing to try just about anything. At first it looked like I was getting results, but then I noticed it was getting harder and harder to get an erection. When I do get it up, it's still semi-soft, and I can't last as long as I used to. Could this be because of the exercises?


Unfortunately you can't believe everything you read on the Internet. Contrary to what you may have seen in message boards and on random How-To websites, the pullout method doesn't work, you can get a woman pregnant while she's on her period, and jelqing will not increase the size of your penis.

We could dedicate an entire encyclopedic volume to the myriad sexual myths that are out there, but this one is especially destructive. A reliance upon aggressive penile exercises can leave you limp, sexually exhausted, and feeling like less of a man. And those are certainly not the qualities you want to list on your online personals ad (note: online personals are another shining example of why you can't believe everything you read on the Internet).

The Symptoms

First and foremost, penile stretching exercises do not work. Let's get that out of the way right here and now, before you're tempted to tie yours to the back of a moving car with a firm rope. On the contrary, penile exercises can cause significant damage to the nervous cells, fibers and synapses in the corpora cavernosa, which is responsible for releasing the sex hormones and neurotransmitters necessary for arousal. As a result, the penis loses its ability to achieve and maintain a firm erection, and the owner of the penis begins to feel sad and insignificant. Without a healthy supply of nitric oxide, the penis is about as useful as a schnauzer trying to cook pasta.

More Bad News

If you lay off the exercises (which I hope you already have), you'll soon notice an improvement in your erectile function. The nerves will repair themselves, and the sensations will return. But as with any healing process, the body is never quite the same. Scar tissue will accumulate, and your penis may not experience the same quality of blood flow that it once did. As a result, you may still struggle to establish a rock hard erection even after the healing process has theoretically concluded. No woman loves a saggy sausage, so if you find yourself in this predicament, you'll definitely want to take the next step. But can anything be done? As a matter of fact, yes it can...

And Now for Some Good News

Recovering from the negative effects of jelqing is a multifaceted process. You need to restore the essential neurotransmitters and chemicals, repair the nerve damage, and eliminate any blockages caused by scar tissue. To this end, I would recommend an herbal tincture formula that combines the following: Cistanche, Epimedium, Morinda, Sarsasparilla Jamaican, and Schisandra. (SEE: Erection Firming Natural Herbal Formula) Most importantly, remember that your penis isn't a piece of string cheese, and take it easy on the stretching!

What to do

Be Firm Herbal Tincture Formula - Improving the Quality of Erection

Be Firm Herbal Tincture stimulates the flow of blood to the penis and provides nutrients to correct venous leakage, a key cause behind weak erections.

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Views: 183

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 60825

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