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Don’t Use Whisky as a Supplement Booster

Herbal formula has been effective at giving him firm erections, but he is impatient with the result and drink whisky along with the supplement to boost his erection.

Case #: 45009


I was little bit depressed last night and got couple shots of whiskey. Recently, my limpy penis is not working at my favor. Since I read somewhere that alcohol can improve blood circulation, so I took some supplements along with the whisky. I did have an extra hard erection in 10 minutes, while watching prons. It’s unusually super hard and has veins coming out; it’s like rock solid that I never happened to me before. I think I totally exhausted my penis out, because for the next few days, I get no erection at all. Not even morning erection and ZERO sex drive too!


You have to be very careful drinking alcohol with herbal supplements. We don't recommend drinking alcohol in general, and it's certainly a bad idea to do so when taking powerful supplements. A little alcohol (1 oz whisky or 2 oz red wine) quickens the response time of our products, but a high dose of alcohol with our products can trigger irregular cardiovascular functions. Alcohol also depresses liver function; therefore we recommend not drinking alcohol together with any supplements since we don't know your liver detoxification capacity for alcohol. Instead, we recommend drinking orange or grape juice that can prevent the liver P450 enzyme from destroying any herbal ingredients in the stomach.

You must be aware of the adverse effects alcohol can have on sexual function. Alcohol can diffuse into nearly every biological tissue and cell membranes. It can penetrate, open or destroy the brain-blood barrier in the choroid plexus of the brain ventricles, allowing any chemicals in the bloodstream -- including toxins -- to flood into your cerebrospinal fluid and brain.

Alcohol excites neurotransmitter action by depolarization, opening sodium channels in the postsynaptic cell of receptors and exciting the sympathetic/epinephrine nervous system without the GABA and serotonin modulation. So moral restriction has been lifted off. Sometimes the region related to aggression would be activated that explained your compulsive masturbation after alcohol consumption. Long term intoxication for some can lead to violence, aggression, bipolar disorder, mood swings, panic attacks, and alcohol addiction.

The detoxification and rejuvenation of the liver, pituitary-adrenal-testicular axis, and nervous systems can be accelerating with Natural Remedies For Alcohol Impotence.

Alcohol also blocks or impairs neurotransmitter action in the synapses by hyperpolarization, letting chloride and potassium out of neurons, leading to memory loss, amnesia and hangover. The damage to the dopamine and acetylcholine nervous system leads to slow reaction, blurred vision, loss of muscle coordination, and weak erection. Try Botanical Formula For Erection Rejuvenation to rejuvenate neuro-endocrine function, corrects liver function, and boosts prostaglandin E-1 & E-3 and nitric oxide production for healing.

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Views: 96


Blog ID: 60796

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