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Acne Herbal Treatment & Outbreak Control

You’ve heard the radio commercials. You’ve read the magazine ads. You’ve probably even seen the late-night infomercials selling high-end creams or machines. Each ad promises one thing: clearing unwanted acne. These commercials hire actors or actress to promote the benefits of each product.

Sure, most of these products will work; others just promise cheap gimmicks in order to make a quick buck. Almost all acne products attempt to reduce the prevalence of acne, while fewer aim to stop the main problem: the fluctuation in hormones. Even fewer companies educate their customer base on what causes acne.

Surprising Causes of Your Torn Skins

Few teenage boys and girls are aware of the dangers masturbation can have on the skin. As Dr. Tobechi from Well-Cornell Medical Center has indicated, “sebaceous glands can act as independent endocrine organs, which can respond to changes in androgens in a similar manner as the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis.”
Long-term abusive masturbation can cause an imbalance of androgen hormones, which results in the following: an over-production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, proliferation of acne bacteria growth, and abnormal keratinization and comedone formation.

Formulated To Fix Acne & Sexual Exhaustion Symptoms Based On These Healing Herbs: 

Clinical statistics have demonstrated an imbalance of sex hormones is directly linked to the emergence of blemishes known as acne. Dr. Karrer-Voegeli from the University Hospital in Switzerland has conducted a research analysis on 228 individuals that linked the over-production of sex hormones to endocrine disorders such as acne and hair follicle problems. [1]

How Does This Formula Work

Acne Herbal Treatment & Outbreak Control is designed to combat the imbalance of sex hormones, especially among sexually exhausted people who have higher levels of androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and salivary testosterone.   

Herb Breakdown

Carthamus Tinctorius (Safflower) is known to increase blood circulation and skin repair. Carthamus Tinctorius contains rich amounts of linoleic acid and linolenic acid, which are known to significantly reduced anxiety, stress hormones, and cortisol levels that are key factors behind skin outbreaks. [2][3] 


Bupleurum has atiseptic, antiviral, antifulgal, and anti-inflammatory properties. It has traditionally been used to treat inflammation, lympatic congestion, hidden infections, skin and chronic inflammations. Bupleurum increases liver function necessary for detoxification by removing toxins from the skin and glands. Ongoing research indicates that Bupleurm reduces inflammation by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins. [4]

Salvia is a popular Chinese herb famous for increasing coronary circulation and dilating blood vessels, Salvia contains antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities that may factor into its effectiveness against skin diseases. [5] [6]       

Rehmannia is a key ingredient of the Shufeng Liangxue decoction that has recently undergone clinical trials for the treatment of hormone-dependence-dermatitis patients. Ongoing research shows that the decoction is effective and safe for dermatitis patients with symptoms of redden-swollen skin, capillary dilatation, inflammatory papula, and other itching discomforts. [7]

Mexican Wild Yam, Dong Quai, and Fo Ti (Polygonum multiflorum) are harmonizing herbs that prevent excessive production of stress hormones and hormonal metabolites that irritate the skin, cause outbreaks, and produce skin inflammations.

Ancient Healing Formula In Action

This formula has been widely used in many TCM clinics for quenching internal fire and acne problems. Results vary between individuals and on how well each person is receptive to the herbs. Some of the case studies and early stage statistics are shown below. The completed evaluation will be published soon.

Your Appearance Is People’s First Impression of You

Even the most educated people rely on first impressions to establish perceptions of others. It’s not that people are “shallow;” it’s merely a psychology action. Judgment and bias are always formed. Your facial skin is a shot you should not miss. Take this formula for three months to have skin disorder and skin fixed. 

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