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Sexual Exhaustion and Vaginal Insensitivity: How Much Fun Is Too Much?

I am 50, and I have just discovered my G-spot. Can you tell me if it's possible to over stimulate the G-spot? I masturbate about 7-10 times a week. I am not certain whether I am experiencing G-spot, clitoral or vaginal (epicenter) orgasms. I would like to restore the sensitivity to my clitoris and vagina.

Case #: 1106


I am 50, and I have just discovered my G-spot. Can you tell me if it's possible to over stimulate the G-spot? I masturbate about 7-10 times a week. I am not certain whether I am experiencing G-spot, clitoral or vaginal (epicenter) orgasms. I would like to restore the sensitivity to my clitoris and vagina.


Sex is a strenuous activity for the nervous system. While sex and masturbation are enjoyable activities in moderation, it is possible to exert the sex organs frequently enough that the act of sex begins to feel less satisfying. You may find that the more you masturbate, the longer it takes to achieve orgasm, and when it does occur, the orgasm itself is shorter and less intense. Sometimes this can lead to a vicious cycle of feeling unsatisfied with your sexual experiences and then masturbating more often, which only exacerbates the problem.

The vaginal insensitivity you are experiencing is most likely a symptom of sexual exhaustion. Sexual exhaustion, which can affect people of any age and gender, describes a shortage in the hormones and chemicals expended during sexual activity. Sexual exhaustion occurs when the body does not have enough time to replenish these resources fully between sexual encounters or masturbation sessions. Each person is different in terms of how quickly our bodies can recover after sex. Age, general health, stress level, nutrition, and sex hormone balance can all affect the length of this recovery process.

The Science behind Sexual Exhaustion

Since sexual activity triggers a flood of oxytocin and other neurotransmitters in the brain and requires applying sustained friction to bodily tissues, sex or masturbation at too high a frequency can cause a chemical imbalance that includes excessive norepinephrine, epinephrine, prolactin, and prostaglandin E-2, an inflammatory hormone. In extreme cases, prolonged sexual exhaustion can cause a laundry list of unpleasant symptoms, which range from orgasm pains and headaches to meningitis, immune disorders, and circulation issues.

The condition typically develops over the course of several years or more and only manifesting in noticeable symptoms after a long period of neurotransmitter imbalance. It can also be difficult to recognize, especially in people who don't have a readily apparent reason to believe they are having too much sex.

Put the Excitement Back in Sex

You will need to abstain from sexual activity for at least a few weeks to give your body a chance to refuel and clear up any lingering inflammatory responses. Following this abstinence period, I recommend limiting your sex and masturbation sessions to, at most, once every other day. You may discover that a longer break than one day is necessary for you. Allowing a sufficient recovery period after sex should help maintain normal sensitivity in your clitoris and G-spot and help you achieve more fulfilling orgasms.

Since sexual exhaustion often only becoming noticeable after it is already a chronic condition, it can take many months to resolve fully. This is especially true if underlying hormonal issues, such as age-related estrogen decline, are at play. (SEE: Herbal Hormonal Stabilizing for Vaginal Desensitization) Medicinal herbs that provide ingredients for serotonin precursors and promote female sex hormone secretion can help counteract some of the symptoms of sexual exhaustion and speed the body's natural recovery process.

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Blog ID: 60178

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