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Adrenal Fatigue & Exhaustion Test

Burned Out?

Adrenal Fatigue (aka adrenal exhaustion) is a common diagnosis in alternative medicine as a symptom of sexual exhaustion. It’s not the same as the more serious adrenal insufficiency diseases, but it’s close.

How can you tell if your adrenal glands are over-stressed or exhausted? Many people who suffer from mental and sexual exhaustion exhibit various adverse symptoms from their organs, all initiated from an exhausted adrenal gland.

Try These Diagnostic Tests

Currently, laboratory testing only detects the severe conditions of hypoadrenia or adrenal malfunctions, such as Addison Diseases or Cushing Syndrome. Until more precise adrenal tests are developed, you can use the following diagnostic methods to see if your adrenal glands are exhausted:

Iris Contraction Exam

This test is the result of a pioneering study by Dr. James Wilson, as explained in detail in his book, “Adrenal Fatigue.”

  • Sit in front of a mirror inside a dark room
  • Shine a flashlight into your eyes for about a minute after adjusting the light source to a brightness level that you can endure.
  • Your pupils should shrink to, and retain, pinpoint size. For people with exhausted adrenal glands, the pupils will actually fluctuate a few times before resuming their expected dilated size. Dr. Wilson explained this phenomenon, saying, “The pupil will not be able to hold its contraction and will dilate despite the light shining on it. This dilation will take place within 2 minutes and will last for about 30-45 seconds before it recovers and contracts again.”

 For men suffering from adrenal fatigue, the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is greatly reduced. Some doctors would recommend lab tests for ACTH as well as cortisol response or insulin stress tests as part of their diagnosis. [1]

Blood Pressure Test

Postural low blood pressure is a symptom of adrenal fatigue

  • Make sure you are not dehydrated; drink water 10 minutes before this test
  • Lie down for 5 minutes and measure your blood pressure
  • Stand up from a lying positing and measure your blood pressure

In a healthy person, blood pressure will increase 10 mmHg when you stand. But if your blood pressure drops after getting up, you might suffer from adrenal fatigue. The more severe the drop is, the more severe the adrenal exhaustion is. Some people might experience dizziness or lightheadedness, which is an indication of overall poor blood circulation.

Sergent’s White Line

Dr. Emile Sergent developed this test in 1917 and Dr. Wilson describes it in detail in his book, as a simple test for adrenal malfunction.

  • Take a chopstick and lightly stroke the skin on your abdomen
  • Making a mark about six inches long and a white line should appear

Normally, the scratched marked line is initially white and will redden within a few seconds. But for those with exhausted adrenals, the line stays white for up to 2 minutes and might also widen. According to Dr. Wilson, this test will only work for 40% adrenal fatigue sufferers.

These quick diagnostic methods are fun to do. You get to know your body better. If you are suffering from adrenal fatigue, wait no more: take Herbal Treatment For Chronic Fatigue and change your lifestyle to be healthier. Consume organic products, sleep well, and limit your sexual activities until you recover.

  1. ^Cleare AJ, Miell J, Heap E, Sookdeo S, Young L, Malhi GS, O'Keane V., Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction in chronic fatigue syndrome, and the effects of low-dose hydrocortisone therapy., J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Aug;86(8):3545-54.
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笔记编号: 59909

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