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Is She Faking It?

He’s concerned his girlfriend is faking pleasure in bed…

Case #: 24621


I suspect that my girlfriend is faking her orgasms. During 35 minutes of sexual intercourse, she usually comes 3 to 4 times. Based on my experience, the way she orgasms is the same as other women. BUT - I don’t feel vaginal contraction around my penis or other orgasmic signs. I see sexual intercourse as very personal interaction, not a performing art. What are the chances that she is faking all these so-called orgasms?


First, take the pressure off of yourself and don’t hold onto any anger towards her or the situation. She obviously cares for you. That’s the most important thing. She may have a sexual dysfunction that prevents her from organizing. The most important thing for you to concentrate on is communication.

However, if you want to get technical, we’re good at that too.

Orgasmic responses, such as involuntary moaning, crying, heavy breathing, or uterine contraction, must have the common cycling rate, 0.8 second per cycle or 1.25 cycles per second, the same rate as the peaceful heart beat. If her moaning or crying is not in response to the uterine contraction rate, she is faking it. Porn stars often demonstrate in every adult film. When a woman is entering the orgasmic transition state, she cannot say anything, but breath heavily periodically and "silently" moan (no screaming or yelling) until she suddenly cries out with heavier breathing.

If you cannot count the response rate, then watch the response of her head. Her head will spastically arch or bend backward along the central line of the front body in response to each orgasmic energy front (powerful orgasmic waves) running up to the forehead from her lower abdomen or pelvic area. Eventually, her body will become very soft once a large part of her sexual energy is discharged. This is her natural response when her uterus contracts to discharge the sexual energy stored in her Epicenter. This is why in some cultures, the female orgasm is known as "The Little Death."

Of course, within the heavy contraction of her uterine, your penis can feel being locked into the Epicenter, the gap between the bladder and cervix.

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Blog ID: 59823

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