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New Baby, No Orgasm Anymore

A loving husband and wife welcome a bundle of joy into the world, but their joy in the bedroom is lacking following her C-section. Can she regain the orgasmic pleasure she enjoyed before baby?

Case #: 502


Since childbirth, my wife has the desire to make love but cannot reach orgasm. She claims to feel herself getting close but then it stops. Oral and manual stimulation, which worked before, does not work now. Other symptoms are pain during initial penile entry and pain the next day. We have since stopped making love and she services me by masturbation only, about once a week. This has been going on for about 3 years now and I think we need help. Please review and offer any help. Could it be because she had a caesarean section?


Bringing a baby into the world is a beautiful, exciting time for any couple. However, it is not uncommon for women to experience sexual changes, some not so pleasant, after giving birth. While many of these problems typically disappear over time, some can have lasting effects on your sex life.

Why no O?

Studies on sexual effects following childbirth show varying results. However, most show that there is little disparity between sexual satisfaction of those who have a C-section procedure and those who have a vaginal birth. If anything, intercourse pain and subsequent orgasm difficulty are more commonly expressed by women who have a vaginal childbirth.

However C-sections are hard on the body, specifically reproductive organs. They certainly can cause more than just a scar on the stomach. When a C-section is performed, vaginal sensory nerves in the pelvic areas (clitoris, cervix, uterus, and vagina) are severed. These sensory nerves are responsible for relaying messages from sex organs to the hypothalamus and pituitary glands to release oxytocin, which is crucial for orgasmic responses.

While these severed or removed nerves can regenerate, they may take years to reconnect over scar tissues from the surgery and back to the blood vessels, hence the long-lasting sexual side effects. Also, since C-section surgeries do damage the vaginal afferent nerves in the uterus and cervix, pain during or after intercourse is a common complaint.

What’s a girl to do?

The solution lies in repairing damaged tissues and nerves, to take sex from painful to amazingly pleasurable. Botanical remedies are an all-natural solution. They contain nutrients such as arbutin, homoarbutin, pirolatin and alkaloids, which aid in repairing damaged vaginal and clitoral tissues. In addition, they increase blood circulation to the vaginal, clitoral, and G-spot tissues, repair damaged sensory nerves and receptors harmed by surgery, and heal scar tissues formed under vaginal/clitoral linings.

As an added bonus, they increase sensitivity to the vaginal and clitoral nerve endings, heightening pleasurable sensations during sex. Herbs like Dong Quai and White Peony naturally boost the production of estrogen, supercharging your sex drive.

In addition to herbal remedies, there are some tips you can use in the meantime. Since scars form and remain in the uterus months after surgery, blood circulation is blocked in the uterus, leaving little capacity for storing sex hormones. While we sleep, sex hormones are produced and stored in the uterus for future use. This makes wake-up sex a good idea: use those sex hormones first thing in the morning, when they are most abundant in your bloodstream.

Also, take the focus off of reaching orgasm, and simply focus on the pleasurable sensations you experience during sex; savor the moment. Slow down to decrease discomfort or pain, and enjoy plenty of foreplay to get your hormones flowing.

Relax, and enjoy!

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Views: 167

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty

Blog ID: 59431

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