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Double Buzzer: Two-Sided Cock Rings for Marital Harmony

A man in his early 50s is beginning to have issues satisfying his wife. He has minor issues with his erections, but she also seems to be experiencing difficulty with orgasm. He’s afraid to try any pills or hormones at his age, and wonders what he can do to get their love life back on track. Is there anything that can help?
Case #: 1915

I’m fifty-three years old, and have had a happy and fulfilling marriage for over thirty years now. I’ve never had any issue satisfying my wife, and she in turn has always delighted me in bed. Now, that we’ve entered our fifties, I’ve begun having issues with my erections, and my wife doesn’t seem to orgasm regularly anymore. I’m nervous to try any sort of pill or supplement, as I’m currently on heart medication and it’s remarkably touchy. Any suggestions for bringing our love back to life?

It’s too bad when a couple that’s had good mojo for decades begins to notice problems with their intimacy. As we age, our hormones (both men and women) decrease, and the result is a sex life that’s lost its luster. It’s not that you aren’t in love with each other any more; obviously you’re aware that that’s not the case. It’s just that your bodies are no longer in a biological position to procreate, so the mechanisms are gradually being outmoded.
The Pause Button of Sex

This process is widely known in women—surely everyone is aware of menopause in this day and age—but the consequent transitional phase for men remains essentially mysterious. Known as viropause or andropause, it mirrors menopause in that the essential sex hormones gradually decline in production until levels are far below normal. Erectile dysfunction, lack of libido, flagging erection: all of these are symptoms of andropause, and probably describe the problems you’re experiencing right now.
No Hormones, Please!

It’s at this time that many men and women begin to pursue hormone replacement therapy, or an alternate form to rejuvenate the hormones of the body, but if that’s not an option for you, have no fear; there is still a solution you can try!
With your body cutting testosterone, your blood vessels are losing their vitality, and your penile tissues have long since begun to decrease in springiness. This results in an erection that is generally smaller, less firm, and less reliable than it used to be.
Shaping Up

While there’s no real way to rejuvenate the penis without some form of herbal or pharmaceutical therapy, you can keep your circulation and sex drive in the best possible health by continuing to regularly engage in light exercise. Exercise promotes the production of sex-happy hormones such as serotonin and testosterone—and every little bit helps, right? It also serves to keep your blood vessels in good working order—pumping blood quickly and safely down to the penis when you need it.
Buzz, Buzz

But here’s a suggestion that will help both you and your wife in the bedroom: why not try a double-sided cock ring? (TRY: Double Sided Cock Ring for Dual Pleasure) I know it sounds crude, but I guarantee you’ll both notice positive results. The ring helps to hold blood inside your penis, keeping you hard, and the double head stimulates your testicles and your wife’s clitoris simultaneously—giving you both an extra kick of sexual satisfaction.
Happy Wife, Happy Life

Most women require clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm. As women age, sensation decreases throughout the genital area. While she might not have needed extra stimulation before, this mini pleasure device could be just what she needs to take her over the edge now. It’ll certainly help keep you in the game as well!

What to do

Dual Cock Rings Guide - Double The Pleasure, Double The Stimulation

Randy and Jen were entering their late 40s.

[More Details +]

Views: 196

Ideas: Men's, Weak Erection, Women's, Vaginal Insensitivity

Blog ID: 59429

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