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Experiencing the Benefits of Anal Breathing

The anal breathing technique has given him pleasurable contractions of his PC muscle during sleep.

Case #: 44781


It took a while for me to see the good results from practicing Anal Breathing. In fact, I did the butt exercise frequently and am able to contract my tailbone muscle along with my butt. Last night, when I fell asleep, I suddenly felt great heat in all of my body, especially tail and head, and I got several tailbone muscle contractions. It feels like the bioenergy is running through my whole body, starting and ending at the tailbone/anus region. It’s just amazing. I got a huge hard solid erection when I got up. It kind of heal my soft erection problem. How long will the result last?


Congratulation on your great accomplishment and the progress in practicing the Anal Breathing technique. Looks like you have trained the auto-rhythmic nervous reflex in your tailbone. The Bioenergy is started spontaneously flow smoothly around the 12 Meridians in your body.

For some people that are able to contract the PC muscle and muscles around the tailbone, it might create a pressure against the prostate that would produce the orgasmic like sensation without ejaculation. But for those that have premature ejaculation or seminal leakage problem, precum might come out if over doing it.

If you like to power up your erection longer and harder, try to consume foods that can Increase Your Natural Testosterone.

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Views: 115


Blog ID: 58748

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