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Fear of intimacy after experiencing clitoral and vaginal aching pains

Her excessive masturbation results in aching pains in clitoris, vulva and vagina.

Case #: 45069


I am a healthy young woman that enjoys masturbation a lot and often do it daily. And some days I can get multiple orgasms. Recently, I have had an aching feeling around my vaginal area and pain around my clitoris after masturbating longer than before. I am too scared to do it again or have sex in case it makes the pain worse.


You are very likely suffering the effects of over-masturbation. You have not only abraded your vagina and clitoris, you have exhausted your adrenal response, which has led to the overproduction of inflammatory hormones that result in pain. If the collagen scar tissues are formed first before breaking the clitoral and G-spot nerves, you will experience numbness. In either case, you will still experience persistent sexual arousal until your pituitary produces sufficient prolactin to shut down your sexual desire.

Excessive sexual activity leads to overproduction of androgen hormones, causing adrenal and sex organ fatigue, and excess release of dopamine to maintain prolonged sexual arousal. Since dopamine is the precursor to the stress hormone epinephrine (adrenaline), excess dopamine results in the adrenal glands overproducing epinephrine and putting the body in a prolonged state of fight-or-flight stress.

At the same time, norepinephrine is synthesized from dopamine and released from the adrenal medulla into the blood as a hormone, along with the stress hormone cortisol. Epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol fuel the fight-or-flight response, directly increasing heart rate, triggering the release of glucose from energy stores, and increasing blood flow to skeletal muscle. All of this has a severely taxing effect on the body.

The hormone prostaglandin E-2, which serves an important function in sexual arousal, is also overproduced and has an inflammatory effect on the body, damaging tissues, nerves and joints, weakening immunity, causing muscular and nervous pain, and promoting inflammation resulted in the pain that you are experiencing around vagina and clitoris.

If you continue to masturbate excessively and left untreated, an extremely exhausted adrenal function can cause an extreme low level of DHEA and cortisol, resulting in fatigue, pains throughout the body, clitoral numbness, vaginal insensitivity, and eventually led to vaginal looseness.

In order to reverse the ill-effects of excessive sexual activity or over-masturbation, stop sexual activity for a few weeks. Let your body rest and replenish. Take herbs from Female Fantasia Formula to help you gradually rejuvenate the neuro-endocrine function and boost your prostaglandin E-1 & E-3, oxytocin and nitric oxide production for faster

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Blog ID: 58688

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