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Extreme State of Sexual Exhaustion

Chronic over-masturbation and pot smoking resulted in severe sexual exhaustion symptoms.

Case #: 328


I love sex. I especially love to masturbate—despite having a girlfriend. Now, my passion for masturbation may have caused the pain I feel in my testicles and leg.

Day and night I feel a cold, shooting pain running from my leg toward my testicles and penis region. I can’t sit. I can’t eat. Worse, I can’t even masturbate because of the exasperating pain I feel. I’ve spoken to doctors. I’ve looked for alternative medicine solutions. I’ve even tried acupuncture hoping for some respite from the pain. Still, all my attempts seemed to have failed. Please note, I was diagnosed with vericoseles in my testicles, and I do suffer from Prostatitis. I was a pot smoker for many years. During my time smoking pot, I would often masturbate several times a day. Please, help me!


Masturbation is fun. Masturbation alleviates stress. It even “centers” your mind. While the activity may be fun, it can too be dangerous. Over-masturbation can damage your body, inducing pain, causing premature ejaculation, and leading to prostate enlargement. Masturbate enough, and your body will spiral into a state of shock—and it’s all thanks to your activities.

Excessive masturbation disrupt your hormonal and nervous system by releasing huge amount of an inflammatory hormone called prostaglandin E-2—think of it as dangerous byproduct of too much sex. Most of time, your liver can recycle them out. Now, engage in too much sex and this dangerous byproduct will inflame and damage blood vessels in the penis and testicles, resulting in that annoying, I-want-to-scream-to-the-top-of-the-rooftops pain.

The Science-gasm of an Ejaculation
Frequent masturbation and ejaculation stimulates your acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions. Over stimulate acetycholine, an essential neurotransmitter in the parasympathetic nervous system, and your body feels as it does now: in pain.

Over-masturbate too often and the body over produces necessary sex hormones, including dopamine and serotonin. The end result causes a diminished control over the hypothalamus and adrenal functions. Once the body experiences a diminished control over these essential bodily functions, you can start to experience:

  • Decreased production of essential liver chemicals that transmit nerve impulses to power an erection
  • Decreased testicular function
  • Decreased control over an ejaculation due to prostate inflammation
  • Over production of prostaglandin E-2, the chemical that causes erectile dysfunctions.
  • Abrasions of the prostate, which leads to weak erections, urinary problems, and premature ejaculation issues.

Mara-g-uana Is Bad, M’kay
Ok, so you smoke some of marijuana. It’s fine (we don’t pass judgment here). Just be mindful of how the lady green can ruin your body when done in excess.

Just like over-masturbation, Mary Jane raises prostaglandin E-2 in the body. The results lead to narrowed arteries and blood flow constriction. Prostaglandin E-2 then loosens the brain-blood barrier and increases the drug's penetration into the cerebrospinal fluid, fluid that protects the brain and provides chemical stability. When the toxic chemicals of Mary Jane seep into the cerebrospinal fluid you may start to experience headaches, blurry vision, prostate disorders, and yes inflammation.

You’re Not S.O.L ($h!T Out Of Luck) Yet
Okay, so you abused the ganga. You masturbated a bit more than you should have. Now, let’s weight your options:

  • Stop masturbating as often. I know. I know. You like to masturbate. It’s fun. It’s relaxing—but it’s too the cause of your current situation. Don’t expect to quit cold turkey—unless you have the will power to do so. No, start by reducing your masturbation frequency bit by bit. You say you masturbate 5 times a day? Do it 3 times a day—then 2 times, then 5 times a week until you do not masturbate at all.
  • Refrain from smoking the Mary Jane. It’s your one vice? Well, your vice can poison your body, so ease up on the lady green.
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观看次数: 97


笔记编号: 58671

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