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Over use of a penis pump resulted in youth impotence & erection pain

Penile pumping caused his impotence and he's desperately looking for a cure

Case #: 45066


I was using a penis pump last month and was pumping too hard. It got really painful after use and felt some sort of injuries happened. It's kind of hard to explain, but right now I lost my erection. The pump also ruined my morning erection. I saw an urologist and got some prescribed pills to increase blood flow. It didn’t help much. I got occasional pain while trying to get my penis erected.


It is a really bad idea to use a penile pump to help increase penis size or achieve an erection. Penis pump offers quick result with a hefty consequence if overuse or used it for a long period of them.

Vacuum penile pumping produces a forced erection and false enlargement that can damage or distort the nervous cells, fibers and synapses in the corpora where the erection neurotransmitters nitric oxide and dilator cGMP are released. In fact, penis pump injury is one of the major culprits behind youth impotence.

If the penis tissues were damaged and left untreated, the penis looks like a beat up sausage and will not erect spontaneously again once the false enlargement is gone. Often the dense scar tissue formation will occur within 2 weeks after the injury. But when the penis regains its erectile capacity -- after the nerves repair themselves -- the erection may never be as hard as it was.

We don't know what medication your doctor prescribed, but be aware that many medications attempt to treat symptoms without healing the underlying health problems, and often they have adverse side effects.

Recent discovery on the biochemical pathway of scarless healing involving TGF (Transforming Growth Factor) generated many interests. Researchers and pharmaceutical companies are excited to find out how TGF-beta3 regulated fetal skin development and collagen formation. Many applications can be developed if Pasminogen Activator and TGF can be controlled during a scarless repair after injury or trauma. [1][2]

Many herbs from Kunlun Panacea contain essential amino acids building blocks for structural protein and tissue rejuvenation. Deglatined Antler, Sarsaprilla Jamaican, Cuscuta, Rehmannia, and Pyrola in this formula contain many nutrients, hormones, growth factors, and neurotransmitters that are essential in recovery from penis pump injury.

Also herbs such as, Damiana, Cuscuta, Deglatined Antler, and Sarsaprilla Jamaican provide and stimulate the production of prostaglandins E1 and E3, testosterone, and nitric oxide production that help recovery and prevent penis shrinkage. This formula will heal damaged nervous endings and reconnect your brain to the penis via the parasympathetic nerves.


  1. ^J W Tyrone, J R Marcus, S R Bonomo, J E Mogford, Y Xia, T A Mustoe, Transforming growth factor beta3 promotes fascial wound healing in a new animal model., Archives of Surgery, Volume: 135, Issue: 10, Pages: 1154-1159, 2000.
  2. Li WY, Huang EY, Dudas M, Kaartinen V, Warburton D, Tuan TL., Transforming growth factor-beta3 affects plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expression in fetal mice and modulates fibroblast-mediated collagen gel contraction, Wound Repair Regen. 2006 Sep-Oct;14(5):516-25.
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Blog ID: 58670

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