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SSRIs and Weak Erections – A Depressing Combination

Like many Americans, he takes antidepressants to improve his quality of life, but while his overall well-being may be improving, his sex life has reached new lows as the medication causes him to have soft erections and diminished libido. He's not alone, though; this problem actually affects millions.

Case #: 401


For the past few years, I’ve taken antidepressants. The drugs worked at improving my well-being, but they have also created new problems, like weak erections and low libido. Now, I cannot manage to gain a decent erection. When I do gain one, I cannot keep it for longer than 5 minutes.

Weak erections make sex impossible. When I try to engage in sex with my partner, I feel embarrassed because of the sudden lack of excitement. She even tries vehemently to get it up, but her efforts remain futile. I want to regain my once powerful erections. I want to please my partner. I want to feel like a man again. Please, tell me what’s wrong with me!


First off, there's nothing wrong with you. Antidepressants can literally be life savers for many of us, but they aren't without their side effects. In fact, did you know that about half of antidepressant users suffer some sort of sexual side effect as a result?

It sucks, but it's true. I mean, we're trying to get our depression under control, but what's more depressing than sexual dysfunction?

Low sex drive and soft erections can certainly derail your Friday nights, but as you mentioned, the problems go much deeper than sex. Low libido and an inability to perform can actually put your relationship in jeopardy by crippling your intimacy. Obviously, something needs to be done.

The Science – in Plain English

Before we get to the nitty-gritty of how to get you penis off of life support, let's look at some important facts and try to understand why your best friend between your legs has ostensibly betrayed you. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Studies show that antidepressants that use SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) can cause erectile dysfunction in certain men.
  • SSRIs block serotonin, a neurotransmitter (brain chemical) responsible for mood. They can also interfere with acetylcholine, another neurotransmitter essential to healthy sexual function.
  • When serotonin and acetylcholine are disrupted, the result is a reduction in testosterone and DHEA (another sex hormone). This leads to loss of libido, weak erections, and even impotence.

Getting Your Mojo Back – Yeah, Baby

Okay, so based on everything we've just established, the obvious solution would be to scale back on the SSRIs, but that may not be the best course of action. For starters, you should never change dosage without talking to your doctor, and second, cutting back on antidepressants isn't as simple as cutting back on carbs or caffeine. Antidepressants serve a very important function, especially if you suffer from clinical depression.

The great news is that you don't have to compromise your mental health in order to enjoy a vibrant sex life. Certain herbal formulas have been proven to offset the negative effects of SSRIs and turn you back into the sexual dynamo that you once were.

Fish Oils – Not Just for Asian Cuisine

The solution may actually be as simple as Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fish oils. Research shows that boosted Omega-3 levels can help stabilize mood and even “reawaken the sleeping giant,” so to speak.

For best results, you'll want a solution that combines Omega-3s, Griffonia and Epimedium. Epidemium helps you to maintain a firm erection, while Griffonia can help you to manage your depression. Fortunately, there are a number of these herbal solutions available.

Try one for yourself and get back to a healthy, satisfying sex life your partner will thank you for.

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观看次数: 99


笔记编号: 58669

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