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Put a Ring On It: Combating Diabetes-Related Erectile Dysfunction
Most humans have a biological craving for sugar, a craving that our bodies seem horrifyingly unequipped to handle. A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips—this trite epigram does tend to exemplify the process of delicious sugary snack to unwanted fat deposit. But, research has come forward showing that our bodies were evolved specifically to take the most possible energy out of simple sugars—such as those found in fruit.
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Not to get too far into it, during a period of famine, when we were all still tree-swinging apes, our bodies needed to make food stores go as far as possible. The food then available was mainly native fruits—nourishment composed almost exclusively of sugar compounds, with maybe a little fiber thrown in. The apes that could produce the most energy from sugar molecules ended up surviving and reproducing, thus bequeathing us today with bodies that only need a tiny, tiny amount of sugar to create a heap of energy.
Most humans have a biological craving for sugar, a craving that our bodies seem horrifyingly unequipped to handle. A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips—this trite epigram does tend to exemplify the process of delicious sugary snack to unwanted fat deposit. But, research has come forward showing that our bodies were evolved specifically to take the most possible energy out of simple sugars—such as those found in fruit.
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Not to get too far into it, during a period of famine, when we were all still tree-swinging apes, our bodies needed to make food stores go as far as possible. The food then available was mainly native fruits—nourishment composed almost exclusively of sugar compounds, with maybe a little fiber thrown in. The apes that could produce the most energy from sugar molecules ended up surviving and reproducing, thus bequeathing us today with bodies that only need a tiny, tiny amount of sugar to create a heap of energy.
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Views: 210

Ideas: Men's, Impotence, diabetes

GuideID: 62638

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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