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Natural Ways to Overcome Female Infertility
Female infertility can be an emotional, sometimes embarrassing topic for women. It produces frustration. It causes women to look for scapegoats. It even leads women into depression.  Despite the emotional issues actuated by infertility, the issue occurs for one of three reasons:
  • Lack of ovulation
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Damage to the fallopian tubes 
For women with irregular ovulation or a hormonal imbalance, the problem may be a little more difficult to correct. However, many physicians recommend natural solutions prior to seeking out medical intervention.
Natural Solutions for Women Struggling with Infertility
What you fuel your body with has an effect on your overall well-being, including your reproductive system. According to numerous fertility doctors, diet and weight have a profound impact on fertility
Ways to Fix Dietary Issues. Know Your Body Mass Index. Understand what a healthy weight is for your height.
Go Organic. Organic foods do not include contaminants from pesticides that can affect the reproductive system.
Forgo Microwave Meals and Bottled Water. Plastic containers, from packaged water and foods, can release polychlorinated biphenyls that can harm the endocrine system.
Avoid Coffee. Coffee beans can aggravate the adrenal gland and can affect the tissue that interacts with reproductive hormones. 
Avoid Gluten. Gluten sensitivity can contribute to miscarriage, reduced pregnancy rates and amenorrhea. And because most women are unaware that they are sensitive to Gluten, it helps to avoid products that contain the ingredient. 
Reduce Stress. Your brain and hormonal system are inherently interconnected. Negative thoughts can impact the hypothalamus, which sends information to the hormonal system. Stress can also affect your immune system and overall health.
Ways to Lower Stress Levels
Get Adequate Sleep.  Rest helps recover from the physical, emotional and mental activities of the day. Lack of sleep can significantly raise stress hormone levels.

Acupuncture. The technique can be used for relaxation and to relieve stress by normalizing the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, which serves as the “control center” for hormones. 

Meditation and Breathing Techniques. These techniques calm your mind to minimize stress. Meditation also helps with positive visualization while reducing negative thoughts.
Herbal Remedies
Fertility Herbs:
  • Dong Quai can regulate menstruation and relax the uterus.
  • Eucommia can calm nerves and enhance sexual vitality.
  • Ophiopogon can boosts mood, reduce irritability and increase stamina to aid in intercourse. 
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Views: 150

Ideas: Women's, Female Infertility, difficult to get pregnant

GuideID: 62590

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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