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Gone, But Not Forgotten: What to Do When You’re Missing Your Lubrication Mojo
When you’re in the first bloom of sexual romance, the biggest problem most of us have to deal with is generally our partner’s inexperience, which can definitely lead to pain and dryness, but from a lack of arousal, rather than any sort of physical problem. And then, when you think you’ve got life and love all figured out, the other shoe drops. All of a sudden, sex is all dried up.
Sandpaper Pussy
At some point after thirty-five, your moist jungle begins to turn into a sad, dry, desert. No matter how aroused you are, or how much you’re craving sex, once you get into the act, there’s a noticeable lack of lube. For many women, this feels truly defeminizing; it’s embarrassing to seem like you aren’t interested or turned on during the sexual process, and both parties’ sexual experience takes a nose-dive.
An Unsavory Solution?
What can you do during these painful situations that won’t completely destroy your feelings of sexuality? I’m sure every woman has negative associations with the idea of using lubrication during sex, similar to how men are negatively disposed to use erectile dysfunction medicine: we see it as an acknowledgment of a problem within ourselves, or something we’re doing incorrectly, rather than a simple medical issue that almost one hundred percent of females will go through.
When you’re in the first bloom of sexual romance, the biggest problem most of us have to deal with is generally our partner’s inexperience, which can definitely lead to pain and dryness, but from a lack of arousal, rather than any sort of physical problem. And then, when you think you’ve got life and love all figured out, the other shoe drops. All of a sudden, sex is all dried up.
Sandpaper Pussy
At some point after thirty-five, your moist jungle begins to turn into a sad, dry, desert. No matter how aroused you are, or how much you’re craving sex, once you get into the act, there’s a noticeable lack of lube. For many women, this feels truly defeminizing; it’s embarrassing to seem like you aren’t interested or turned on during the sexual process, and both parties’ sexual experience takes a nose-dive.
An Unsavory Solution?
What can you do during these painful situations that won’t completely destroy your feelings of sexuality? I’m sure every woman has negative associations with the idea of using lubrication during sex, similar to how men are negatively disposed to use erectile dysfunction medicine: we see it as an acknowledgment of a problem within ourselves, or something we’re doing incorrectly, rather than a simple medical issue that almost one hundred percent of females will go through.
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Views: 177

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Dryness, Forgotten

GuideID: 61696

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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