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The DONG QUAI Phenomenon - Why this Chinese herb is so popular!

Dong Quai is perhaps the most popular of all Chinese herbs and is almost as well known as it’s famous contemporary, Ginseng. In fact, it is often referred to as “Female Ginseng." It is high in natural plant estrogens called phytosterols and helps to reduce the symptoms of estrogen deficiency. It is also beneficial for promoting blood flow to the reproductive organs, relieving menstrual cramps, regulating uterine contractions, and alleviating symptoms related to menopause. It contains ferulic acid, biotin, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin E. Often, Dong Quai is used as a primary ingredient in an array of herbal remedies (such as the Phyto Menopause Formula designed to treat women’s problems such as menstrual cramps, PMS, excessive flow, and menopause.
Dong Quai can help women with irregular menstruation by regulating bleeding, reducing pain, and relaxing the uterus. It is of invaluable benefit for women that suffer from dizziness, paleness, anemia, and cold limbs, as it serves to increase peripheral blood flow to the extremities. For menopausal women, the herb helps relieve severe symptoms such as palpitations and insomnia.
The dried root of Dong Quai has actually long been widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for gynecological ailments, fatigue, mild anemia and high blood pressure. The plant's phytochemicals contain phytosterols, polysaccharides and flavonoids that provide the basis for the herbs antioxidant activity.
Most often used by herbalists for the female reproductive system, it is believed to be among the most effective uterine tonics and hormonal regulators. It is frequently used in premenstrual syndrome formulas as well as menopausal formulas. However, Dong Quai is not recommended during pregnancy due to possible hormonal changes that may increase the risk of miscarriage.
Not solely a female tonic, Dong Quai is also useful for the health of the male sex organs. It has been known to help men by easing the symptoms associated with prostate and testicle inflammation.

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Views: 479

Ideas: Women's, Menopause, PMS Problems

GuideID: 62028

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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