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Put an End to PMS: Diet Supplements Can Provide the Nutrients Necessary for PMS Relief
A woman’s period is anything but pleasant – cramps, fatigue and the need to use tampons and/or pads are distinctly uncomfortable. On top of the period itself is premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a series of symptoms that typically hit about a week before menstruation starts. Each woman experiences PMS slightly differently, but these three little letters typically mean breast tenderness, abdominal bloating, constipation, insomnia, and acne breakouts.
Causes of PMS
Depending on who you ask, you’re likely to get a variety of explanations for PMS. Some health providers claim the condition is unsubstantiated, others blame nutrition and still others point their fingers at genetics. The most likely culprits are changes to hormones that naturally occur throughout the menstrual cycle.
During ovulation, which occurs about 14 days into the menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone levels both increase. The reason is simple: these hormones are necessary to prepare the body for pregnancy. After ovulation, if pregnancy does not occur, both hormone levels drop.
Debate continues as to whether high or low levels of estrogen and progesterone ignite PMS. Regardless of the answer, it is generally accepted that these chemicals interfere with neurotransmitters in the brain. Some of the most prominent neurotransmitters influenced by estrogen and progesterone are serotonin – known to regulate sleep and induce a sense of well-being – and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) – proven to stimulate feelings of sadness and anxiety.
The Liver’s Crucial Role
It’s not widely discussed, but the liver maintains one crucial responsibility with regard to hormones: it metabolizes these chemicals so they go where the body needs them. But hormones pose a tricky situation for the liver. They can be easily thrown out of whack and accumulate to excessive levels, such as when a woman takes prescription birth control pills. The synthetic hormones in birth control are metabolized like those made by the body, meaning they can overload the liver.
When this happens, the liver’s function slows considerably. You might think of this organ like a partial sieve – it filters toxins from the body even as it metabolizes nutrients. But as it becomes bogged down by excessive hormones, the liver cannot continue to expel toxins. Meanwhile, the body – prompted by a decline in liver function – produces even more hormones in an effort to get what it needs. This vicious process only adds to symptoms of PMS.
Additional factors that impede liver function include excessive amounts of alcohol, poor diet and cigarette smoking. Drugs and a sedentary lifestyle also contribute to liver malfunction.
The Benefits of Balanced Nutrients
Earlier, we mentioned that diet may play a role in PMS, particularly when a woman suffers from nutrient deficiencies. It rarely gets the attention it deserves, but magnesium is one nutrient indispensable to the human body. It keeps nerve pathways throughout the body healthy, normalizes heart functions and maintains adequate levels of serotonin.
Magnesium performs a host of other functions as well, but those mentioned above are crucial to eliminating the symptoms of PMS. Equally important, magnesium helps the liver function at optimal levels. But modern farming and cooking practices tend to deplete foods of nutrients like magnesium. In addition, the body wastes this mineral when a person takes medications like birth control pills and insulin.
One way to combat magnesium deficiency is with diet supplements. It is important, however, to ensure the body has all the nutrients it needs, including those that promote positive moods and build strong bones. A comprehensive formula of herbs and nutrients can be found in Chujoto. (TRY: Traditional Japanese Blend for PMS Symptoms Relief) Blended with such herbs as Licorice and Ginger, this formula relieves the symptoms of PMS and restores balance to off-kilter hormones.
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Views: 177

Ideas: Women's, PMS Problems, PMS Relief

GuideID: 62266

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