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The Story of Chance—A First-Person Account on Penis Size Issues

Anybody ever tell you size doesn’t matter? The size of your phone doesn’t matter. The size of your watch doesn’t matter. But the size of your penis—oh ya, it matters. Sexting, Snapchat and video calls, continue to expose guys with little “John Johns” more and more. Every. Single. Day. If you were born with an umm…less than appealing size, it’s not your fault. [Learn how individuals increase their length.]

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Take my old friend from high school. For the sake of conversation, let’s call him Chance. Now Chance was blessed with length, not width.  In fact, he was pretty thin where it mattered most. So one day during class, a girl dropped her pencil--on Chance’s lap. Now this pencil was an average sized, think of it as a bit thicker than a noddle. Instead of asking Chance to hand her pencil over, she took initiative and reached over to grab it. Instead of touching her pencil, she got a handful of Chance’s thin penis.

According to Psychology Today survey, “Ninety-percent of the surveyed women responded that the thickness of a penis was a more important elicitor of pleasure.”  Find out how enhancement can be accomplished.  
And being high school, the rumors spread. Social media networks were “tagging” Chance in pictures with the hashtag “NoodleDick.” And so was born his newfound nickname. He was teased. Girls laughed. The boys laughed even harder. And Chance’s high school reputation was tainted. 
Oh, Hey Little Guy.
Men are self-conscious species—focused on great looks, tough attitudes and big, you know…size. Men, like Chance, always worry about their width. They fear it will be too small or too thin. They worry about it being too hairy or not hairy enough. For men, size matters.

But for women, size matters too, but how it’s used matters more. Just remember, it’s not the size of the wand that counts, it’s the magic in it.
Maybe you are a Chance, or maybe you know a Chance? Whatever the situation, natural methods can help improve size. How does it work, exactly? The formula contains all-natural ingredients that improve blood flow and promote penile chamber expansion for a wider growth. Ingredients such as:
  • Cistanche
  • Codonopsis Pilosula
  • Epimedium
  • Eurycoma Longifolia
  • Morinda
  • Pinellia
  • Schisandra 
Provide the body with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that improve blood circulation, increase nitric oxide production and enhance intra-cavernosal pressure to help men achieve a wider and fuller erection.  

I told Chance about it, and it has done wonders for him. If you feel self-conscious about your size, it’s time to take action.

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Views: 364

Ideas: Men's,Penis Enlargement,Cistanche

GuideID: 62231

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