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Going Off Antidepressants Equals Finding Your Libido!
Reducing SSRI Intake

If you’ve decided to reduce your SSRI antidepressant intake, remember to speak to your doctor first. If you wish to cure your impotence or weak erections caused by SSRIs, you may want to take an herbal solution that contains fish oil.

According to recent research, Omega-3 levels stabilize the mood and improve erectile capacity. And thanks to the combination of both Omega-3, Griffonia and Epimedium males can experiences a better mood and improved erectile capacity.

Because of the icariin in Epidemdium, the cGMP-specific PDE-5 inhibitors maintain an erection, while the 5-HTP found in Griffonia balances mood to fight symptoms of depression.

SSRIs and Sexual Performance
SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) found in most antidepressants are highly addictive. SSRIs block serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for mood, from being reabsorbed by your noggin. The blockage of serotonin can provide feelings of both elation and depression. And while SSRIs prove helpful in minimizing signs of depression, they too can interfere with the production of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter necessary for proper parasympathetic action of the testicular and adrenal functions. 
When acetylcholine and serotonin experience a reduction, males can see their testosterone and DHEA productions lowered. Lowered DHEA and testosterone cause both weak erections and complete impotence.
Reducing SSRI Intake

If you’ve decided to reduce your SSRI antidepressant intake, remember to speak to your doctor first. If you wish to cure your impotence or weak erections caused by SSRIs, you may want to take an herbal solution that contains fish oil.

According to recent research, Omega-3 levels stabilize the mood and improve erectile capacity. And thanks to the combination of both Omega-3, Griffonia and Epimedium males can experiences a better mood and improved erectile capacity.

Because of the icariin in Epidemdium, the cGMP-specific PDE-5 inhibitors maintain an erection, while the 5-HTP found in Griffonia balances mood to fight symptoms of depression.

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Views: 220

Ideas: Men's, Impotence, antidepressants

GuideID: 61841

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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