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Another Reason to Watch Your Blood Pressure - As if it weren’t bad enough, the condition of high blood pressure can cause Premature Ejaculation, too!

It’s no secret, or surprise for that matter, that men with high blood pressure (AKA hypertension) are most prone to suffer from the sexual disorder of premature ejaculation (PE). Although it may seem unlikely that blood pressure and premature ejaculation could be linked, they actually affect one another directly on many levels. In fact, the association is so common, there’s a natural herbal formula designed to address it.
Blood pressure abnormalities such as hypertension are easy and likely contributors to weak erections and premature ejaculation. Plus, the stress and anxiety associated with high blood pressure can make sex extremely difficult and ejaculation control nearly impossible. Current traditional blood-pressure medication serves to simply resolve blood pressure problems, but does not remedy the sexual difficulties that often go hand in hand with the illness. It is also unfortunate that the related medications may be their own cause of sexual dysfunction.
Oddly enough, in some cases high blood pressure is the very cause of impotency and/or premature ejaculation. Hypertension is called the "silent killer" because it reveals very few symptoms, yet has a devastating effect on a man’s sexual performance. As an adverse result of the lack of warning signs, many men are left with very few answers or clues as to the true root of their problem.
Like so many other things in life, blood pressure can affect different people in many different ways and for many different reasons. It truly is a random mixture of luck and lifestyle, because you never know how a body will react to outer and inner circumstances. While some people have low blood pressure by nature, others are predisposed to it at a dangerously high level.
Risk factors that can encourage PE associated with high blood pressure include alcohol abuse, anxiety/depression, a poor diet, pre-disposed genetics, physical inactivity and the state of being overweight. Given the amount of potential consequences, the aforementioned natural herbal remedy was developed. The SOS Herbal Remedies For Fast Release Ejaculation with High Blood Pressure has a great success rate in treating men suffering from the combined affliction and it’s symptoms.

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Views: 255

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation, hypertension

GuideID: 61789

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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