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Migraines Are Already Annoying Enough, But Having Them Being Caused By Masturbation Is Just Unacceptable!
There is nothing more stressful or debilitating than a migraine.  As a frequent sufferer myself, I know first-hand how crippling a migraine can be.  Migraines have the ability to sideline you for an entire day, and no matter how many aspirins you take, the pain is only part of the problem.  Sensitivity to light and sound, dizziness and nausea can all accompany a truly sinister migraine, and certainly can’t be thwarted by a simple aspirin.  For men, the frequency and potency of a migraine can be heightened by excessive masturbation and cortisol levels.  Migraines are already annoying enough, but having them being caused by masturbation is just unacceptable!  Let’s breakdown how to avoid this painful malady while still being able to indulge in self-pleasure.
First, let’s understand what exactly causes a headache or migraine.  Essentially, headaches are a result of shortages of neurochemicals in the brain.  Headaches and migraines can actually worsen in pain and intensity following ejaculation.  Excessive masturbation can cause the body to produce an excess of L-glutamic acid decarboxylase and pyridoxal phosphate.  This excess prevents the body from converting glutamate into GABA during sex.  A lack of GABA in the body leads to an increase in the stress hormone norepinephrine, as well as the overabundance of glutamate which failed to change into GABA.  As a result, the release of cortisol, an inflammatory hormone, occurs. Cortisol drops abruptly during sex and replenishes hours later.  An excess of cortisol can lock up testicular and pituitary-adrenal function, leading to a deficiency of androgen hormones and the narrowing of carotid arteries in the brain which creates headaches and migraines.
The excess of norepinephrine and dopamine because of a lack of GABA also leads to high levels of prolactin building in the body.  This blocks the release of an anti-inflammatory hormone, prostaglandin EI, which prevents the body from becoming susceptible to waves of inflexibility and inelasticity of the nerves and tissues that create headaches and migraines.
Migraine natural home remedies and formulas contain many restorative and beneficial homeopathic ingredients and herbs to combat migraines and headaches.  Catuaba increases blood flow to the brain, which can stymie migraine and headache pain and reduce the tendency for them to occur.  Mucuna pruriens inhibits the production of prolactlin, which blocks those anti-inflammatory hormones that keep the body’s nerves and tissues flexible and elastic to avoid headaches, stabilizing hormonal production in the process.  Shilajit is an anti-inflammatory herb that alleviates pain associated with headaches and migraines, while muira puama reduces stress and hormonal dysfunctions which can cause migraines.  
If over masturbation is the primary cause of your migraines, the herb ashwagandha can build up one’s resistance to stress and improve the vitality and virility of men’s sexual health, fighting off the physical strains accompanied with excessive masturbation.  Many of these herbs, including the aforementioned muira puama, help facilitate  GABA production.  The lack of GABA is the primary cause of headaches and migraines due to over masturbation.
Whether your migraines are caused by stress, environmental factors or a little too much self-pleasuring, there are plenty of herbs and remedies available that relieve pain and help to stimulate anti-inflammatory neurochemicals in the brain which will assist in avoiding migraines all together.  Take these and you’ll be functional again in no time, able to get back to whatever it was your migraine was keeping you from, including some intimate “me” time.
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Views: 249

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, headache

GuideID: 61784

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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