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Sex Position: Grab The Mic

Ladies, you’ll hold onto the microphone to make an announcement that pleasure will commence. Men will groan during this announcement, but don’t worry, they will groan in pleasure—not agony. Using a mouth for pleasure, ladies will voice their opinions. So men, sit back, relax and enjoy the public announcement that your partner will make with the microphone in her hand.

why She’ll Love It:

This is a public service announcement, ladies. During your speech, you’ll remain at the helm to make your announcement of appreciation. Of course, you may not do much talking, but this non-verbal communication will show your admiration toward your man. Depending on the length of your announcement, you may be holding onto the mic for quite some time, so keep comfortable.

Why He’ll Love It:

What’s not to love about a position like this? Okay, males who experience erectile dysfunction may not like this position. In fact, males with E.D. can feel a bit awkward from the lack of excitement, but for everyday male with a healthy sex drive, Grab The Mic will make for a welcomed treat.

About This Position 

Sex Position Number: 328
Difficulty: Novice
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her: Low
Not Suitable For: Weak Erection
Other Positions You May Like: Hooked for Sexccess
Ideal Penis Size: N/A
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: Low

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Views: 232

GuideID: 61697

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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