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Jin Kui Cistanche Adrenal Bioenergy Formula
The Ill-effects Masturbation Has on the Youth

Every boy remembers his first porno movie or magazine. They remember the stimulating feelings endured by watching boobs bounce on the screen. Some remember the different positions. Others recall the females in the movies. Whatever a boy remembers, he’ll always remember the massive erection he had during the whole experience.

Sexual Exhaustion, Weaken Immunity & Poor Circulation:
  • Excessive pre cum leakage
  • Easily affected by flu & cold
  • Chronic fatigue & lacking energy all the time
  • Persistent diarrhea
  • Low back pain & soreness and weakness of limbs
  • Cold sensation in the lower part of the body
Formulated To Fix Excessive Precum & Poor Bioenergy Based On These Healing Herbs:
Additional discomforts:
  • Spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen
  • Wet dream or nocturnal emissions
  • Frequent urination

A boy’s first encounter with pornography may leave a young boy curious about his body. The curiosity leads to exploration. Some boys start off by stimulating their penises. Other boys stroke and stroke till they see that white, sticky solution shoot out. Masturbating at a young age allows a boy to feel and experience the euphoric sensation, but when the activity gets out of control, the young adolescent can experience some ineffectual side effects.
For young boys who started the practice of masturbation before puberty, or who have masturbated too frequently and beyond their capability, will suffer from chronic bladder and prostate exhaustion. Such debilitation is accompanied by much discomfort. Young men often leave the problem untreated and develop more classic symptoms of the Early Stage of Sexual Exhaustion, such as:

Herb Breakdown

Cistanche, an herb native to Chinese deserts, provides anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory powers. Studies confirm that Cistanche improves and tones the adrenal and kidney functions by protecting them against oxidative damage. Recent research has indicated that potent fertility herbs, Cistanche, Dioscorea Opposita, Rehmannia Glutinosa, Alisma Plantago and Cornus can enhance the production of testosterone and strengthen parasympathetic nerves for stronger ejaculation control. In animal studies in which effects of the herbs were analyzed, the weight of testes and seminal vesicles were greatly increased after animals were fed herbal extracts. [1]

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Views: 525

Ideas: Men's ,Leaky Penis , Over Masturbation

GuideID: 62422

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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