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Spice Things Up By Slicking Them Down: An Introduction to Personal Lubricants
Your stomach growls to remind you to eat something. You get lightheaded until you drink enough water. And when a woman is turned on, her vagina gets wet. However, there's no universal measure for the “right” amount; some women's bodies are naturally generous, others are stingy. It's also possible that the signals to open the valve are getting scrambled, letting out too much or not enough. Try to see it as “getting” to figure out the amount of lubricant that works best for you, as part of taking control of your own sex life.
Grinding To A Halt
One woman in three or four report vaginal dryness according to one scientific study. The results can be as mild as soreness and unsatisfactory sex, but they can also be a yeast infection or worse, so taking it slow can be a lot more important than you or your partner may think. Talk with your partner about a little more fun before the fun, or make a game where whoever goes last “wins” the first round. If you orgasm before he does, whether it's with his fingers, tongue or a toy, the odds are excellent that you will have enough lubrication to make his 'turn' more enjoyable for both of you.
Other personal health factors can reduce the amount of lubricant you generate. Too much stress, low-estrogen birth-control pills or other medications like antihistamines and antidepressants, even breastfeeding can leach moisture away; it can even be a sign that you've got a yeast infection, even if you display no other symptoms. In general, pay attention to your mouth. If something dries it out, you're likely to have less lubricant available.
On the flip side, some women can generate too much of their own slick stuff. In cases like that, the simple solution is to just keep a clean washcloth close by to wipe up the extra moisture, or experiment with non-lubricated latex condoms.
Manual Adjustments
Conscious awareness of how slick the play is getting, and how much makes it feel the best, can be tremendously empowering. The process of testing various amounts can be relaxing, which in turn can make the experience that much more pleasurable. Even comparing different brands can add an experimental element that some couples may enjoy.
Note that lubricants can be based on various ingredients, like silicone, oil and petroleum, but water is usually the safest bet for most purposes. It doesn't stain, washes out of skin and fabric easily, and doesn't erode condoms like petroleum or oil-based lubes will. Be on the lookout for lubes with glycerin if you're prone to yeast infections; your lover might like the sweet taste, but the yeasts will positively eat them up.
Regardless of what brand or formula you choose, remember that too much can reduce sensation past the point of enjoyment; it's much easier (and more economical) to start with too little and add more to suit your desires.
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Views: 192

Ideas: Women's, Intercourse Pain, Vaginal Dryness

GuideID: 60902

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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