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Sex Position: Driver’s Seat

Women love to think they’re in control. Some will admit it; others, deny it. Driver’s Seat gives the semblance that women control the tempo. Why? Because gentlemen love giving women the idea of controlling the situation. While this idea of control may seem unwelcoming, ladies will love their men to be in total control of the pleasure threshold.
Men will start off by lying down. Once in place, men will spread their legs apart and raise their knees, allowing women enough space to sit and rest. With your back facing him, ladies you will stretch out your legs to make this luxury ride a bit more enjoyable.

Why She’ll Love It:

Women who enjoy the thought of control during sex will love the tempo and speed men can create. Keeping your legs together, meanwhile, will allow men the perfect opportunity to feel a tighter more alluring sensation. Each thrust will generate a stronger affinity toward this position. So sit back ladies, and allow his powerful hands to hold you into place during this drive.

Why He’ll Love It:

Men, you have full control. Your feet will give you the right support to control the tempo. Any man who earns a reputation as an "early finisher" will want to control the tempo. Meanwhile, the rear view will allow you ample room to see her buttocks giggle or watch her boobs bounce around from the side. Since Driver’s Seat will require little stamina and flexibility, use this position while you near exhaustion.

About This Position:

Sex Position Number: 60
Difficulty: For Experienced Couples
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her: Low
Not Suitable For: Testicular Pain
Other positions you may like: Nice to MEAT You
Ideal Penis Size: 5 inches +
Stamina Required: Medium
Flexibility Required: High

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Views: 160

GuideID: 60900

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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