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Saw Palmetto: Goodbye To BPH and Urgency To Urinate

88 percent of men reported improved urinary flow after taking Saw Palmetto. Increased urgency, a common side effect of BPH, occurs because of an enlarged prostate that constricts the bladder. However, BPH can lead to other common symptoms as well. And men who notice urgency issues can experience the following symptoms: anger, frustration and constant trips to the bathroom. Men who take Saw Palmetto for at least 90 days can see a reduction to the constriction of the bladder and an improvement to the P.C. muscles that control the flow of urine.  

Solution Highlights
Solution #: 143236
Age: Ideal For: 40+
Symptoms: Frequent Bathroom Use, Inability to Hold Urine
Possible Causes: Weak P.C. Muscles, Prostate Inflammation
Helpful For:
  • Adults over 45 years of age
  • Men who experience Nocturia and Urgency 
Urgency: A Problem Evaluated

For men, the increased urgency occurs because of the inflammation to the prostate gland can no longer retain urine as before. Meanwhile, the depleted strengthen of both the pelvic floor muscles and bladder muscles cannot retain liquid as it once did. Instead, the muscles allow for the early, often urgent release of urine. With muscles no longer functioning as intended, accidents can strike at any time in a man’s day.

How Saw Palmetto Cures Urgency

Saw Palmetto manages to act as a counteragent for androgens, known as male sex hormones, that bind to the testosterone and grow the prostate. With increased size, the prostate continues to squeeze the bladder, while the muscles no longer retain the same strength as before. Saw Palmetto manages to reverse the main causes of urgency by

  • Preventing the binding of both DHT and testosterone to prevent prostate growth
  • Minimizing 5-alpha-reductase that increases DHT
  • Relaxing the prostate tissue that can block receptors for improved bladder control
Saw Palmetto: Types, Tips and Dosages

Some men remain skeptical of natural products; other males believe in the power of these supplements; but all want the same thing: a product that works. While Saw Palmetto can cure urgency issues, not all types work the same. Tablets digest faster than powders, but powders mix better into Prostate super foods that cure severe urgency issues. From product effectiveness to recipe recommendations, below, you’ll find the benefits of each product and the reasons for taking one versus another.
1. Powder: Powdered Saw Palmetto infuses its grounded berries into the product. While somewhat effective and easy to consume, men might dislike the taste or smell of powder inside of teas, smoothies and foods. Experts and users notice that powder remains most effective when taken with Saw Palmetto pills, which contain a higher concentration of berry oil that fights prostate growth.
Recommended Dosage: 1 to 2 tablespoons per cup
Recommended Recipe: Saw Palmetto Berry Smoothie
The Saw Palmetto Berry Smoothie provides a sweet, BPH-fighting recipe for minimizing urgency. The mixture of both Saw Palmetto and Flax Seeds grant men a boost in inflammation-fighting properties, while ingredients such as silk milk and a whole apple provide the necessary sweetness and fiber for health-conscious individuals.
Ingredient List

  1. 1 cup of silk milk
  2. 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  3. 1 medium apple
  4. 1/2 cup of fresh or frozen blueberries
  5. 2 tablespoons of ground Flax Seeds
  6. 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  7. 1 teaspoon of honey
  8. ¼ of yogurt
  9. 2 tablespoons of Saw Palmetto

Advantages: Easily taken with coffee, water or milk. When mixed with juice, teas or smoothies, supplement-rich powder digests faster while leaving the nutrient-rich properties unharmed during digestion. Men who display light or moderate symptoms will find powders beneficial.
Disadvantages: Because berry oils contain growth-fighting properties, the concentration levels might not be as high inside of powders.
2. Saw Palmetto Extract: Extracts, along with powders, quickly digest. The difference, however, is the concentration levels. While powders can contain a lower dosage per tablespoon, an extract includes higher levels of Saw Palmetto berry oil per drop. Extracts, similar to a powdered form, mix well into drinks and smoothies.
Recommended Dosage: 30-40 drops or 1ml
Recommended Recipe: Kale Smoothie from
Kale is rich with super foods and vitamins that fight prostate growth. When combined with the antioxidants from berries and the urgency-fighting properties from Saw Palmetto, men can make a healthy, prostate-rich drink.
Ingredient List

  1. 1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen raspberries
  2. 1/2 cup shredded kale
  3. 1 cup ice
  4. 3/4 cup fat-free plain yogurt
  5. 1/2 banana
  6. 2 tablespoons honey
  7. 1 tablespoon natural almond butter
  8. 1 tablespoon wheat germ
  9. 40 drops of saw palmetto

Advantages: Extracts contain higher concentrated dosages of Saw Palmetto, but more importantly, the liquid digests faster. High dosages per drop help men with more severe forms of urgency issues.
Disadvantages: Requires consistent use and considerable prep time to mix into drinks. While some men might take the extract with water, the foul taste can discourage use without juice or milk to dilute the flavor.
3. Pills or Soft Gels: Considered the most common and popular form of Saw Palmetto, pills and soft gels offer a fast, convenient method for males to ingest the nutrients. While easier to digest, the contents of tablets offer a highly concentrated dosage of the supplement.
Recommended Dosage: 160 to 320 mg per day
Advantages: Men can notice a higher concentration per dosages, a larger potency for better, faster results.
Disadvantages: The digestion process can alter the effectiveness of tablets because of the dilution of nutrients.

If you suffer from constant urgency, try Saw Palmetto today!

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Views: 346

Ideas: Men's ,Prostate Enlargement ,Saw Palmetto

GuideID: 59989

Guide Type: Solutions

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