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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
Eyaculación precoz
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Sex Position: Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine gives her a welcomed awakening. Ladies who are light sleepers may not be surprised at all. Still, deeper sleepers will be awakened by a delightful treat: a man between her legs. Men, once she’s fallen into a deep slumber, open her legs and start to kiss, lick and massage her clitoris. But unlike other times, you will want to start off fast massaging the clitoris. Here’s why: Increasing her arousal will give her a welcomed surprise as she awakens.
And gentlemen, if your partner gets cranky when she’s awoken, trust us, this is one moment where she won’t complain.
Why She’ll Love It:
The deep sleep and the mixture of full-on stimulation as you awaken create a sensation like never before. Your pleasant dreams will be, well even better with this surprise. And if your partner does it right, he’ll catch you completely off guard to give you the pleasure of your lifetime.
Why He’ll Love It:
For the hopeless romantic in you, a nice surprise will surely make her day. And by giving her this treat before a long day, she’ll be sure to remain happy all day.
About This Position:
Sex Position Number: 28
Difficulty: For Novice Couples
Pleasure for Him: low
Pleasure for Her:  High
Not Suitable For: Women with low sex drive
Other positions you may like: Stretcher, Please
Ideal Penis Size: N/A
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: Low
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Views: 350

GuideID: 60760

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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