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Buzzing & Ringing Ear Drove Me Crazy
I’m a 24 year old who has always lived a healthy and active life. I rarely get sick and have no reoccurring health problems. Recently I began experience a ringing in my ear. It came on suddenly and I can experience at any time of day any extent of time. At first I brushed it off and tried not to let it bother me.

As I became more aware of it, it started to disrupt my daily life. I was having trouble sleeping at night, concentrating at work and I was continuously distracted during conversations. I knew I had to find a way to make the ringing stop.

I Found The Cause
I began to research my problem and found that there were many causes for a ringing or buzzing noise in the ear, but none of them fit me, except one.  I found that excessive masturbation can cause a number of health problem, especially for men my age. I began to research to problem further and found that it can cause other symptoms that I was also experiencing, such as pain and itchiness in my inner ear.

I thought about how often I masturbate and although I don’t consider it excessive, maybe I was doing it a little too often. I decided to take a break and try to reduce the amount of time I masturbate every week.

No Way Out?!
This wasn’t an easy thing to do. Like most men, I like sex and since I’m single, I can’t always get it from a girl. Masturbation was the only way to satisfy my horniness, but was it worth the pain and annoyance it was causing me? I was able to stop masturbating everyday and only allowed myself to do so three days a week. Still, I was worried this wasn’t enough to help stop my ear trouble. I searched for some additional help.
After some online research, I found that there are herbs that act as a remedy for ringing and buzzing noises heard in the ear as well as inner ear discomfort. These herbs help by reducing noisy vibrations in the ear drum, increasing blood vessel circulation and rejuvenating auditory nerves and balancing critical hormones and neurotransmitters involved in hearing. When I combined the use of these herbs and stopped masturbating so often, I started seeing results fast. I stopped feeling vibrations and hearing the ringing sound and a few days later, the itchiness and soreness inside my hear went away as well.

No More Frustration

I cannot imagine how angry and frustrated I would have became if I would have had to kept living with my ear troubles. I never would have imagined that my excessive masturbation could have caused problems with my ears. I am glad I found the root of the problem and was able to get it under control before the ringing in my ear drove me crazy. My hearing is better than ever and I am no longer distracted during conversations or unable to sleep at night. I am finally back to my old, healthy self again.

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GuideID: 60688

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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