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Fecal Incontinence

Fecal incontinence is an embarrassing problem that can interfere with many of life's daily activities. For millions of people, particularly the elderly and women who've had childbirth complications, fecal incontinence is the inability to control your bowel movements, causing stool to leak unexpectedly from your rectum.  It can range from an occasional leakage of stool while passing gas to a complete loss of bowel control.
 The psychological ramifications because of prolonged suffering from this issue can and will spill over into all aspects of your life. You can create a cycle of anxiety and fear surrounding every minute detail of your daily life, for example; you will begin to cut off your social connections out of fear that at any given moment you might have an accident, and because of the routine nature in which these events could happen, you would rather be alone, then around other people. This seems obvious because of course it would be less embarrassing to have an accident alone, then if someone saw it happen.
The problem is that unless it is an emergency some people refuse to seek medical or supplemental help, out of embarrassment. Allowing the problem to go on without treatment. We understand exactly how frustrating and difficult it can be to face a problem of this nature. The fact is though, you must. Facing up to these types of issues is very tough, but absolutely necessary. You can’t simply expect it to go away on its own, you need serious attention and unless you get it, the problem is going to stick around and the harder it will be to deal with it once you have decided there is  NO OTHER WAY.

Signs & Symptoms

Your digestive tract contains a complex system of organs that conveys the food you eat, digests and absorbs the nutrients, converts them into energy and tissues, and removes the waste that your body can't digest.  As food waste passes through the upper portion of your large intestine (colon), your body absorbs nearly all of the water from the waste. The remaining residue, called stool, is usually soft but formed.
It consists of undigested foods such as fiber, unabsorbed water, bacteria and mucus and dead cells. When you defecate, your sphincter muscles relax and your rectal walls contract to increase pressure. Sometimes, you have to exert pressure from your abdominal muscles, which puts pressure on the outside of your colon and rectum. With this coordination of muscles and nerves, stool is expelled through the anus.
A comparison could be drawn to rowers, as you thrust the paddle forward into the water and use your legs and arms to pull the paddle to you. Your legs go from a knee up position to a flat down position with each pull of the paddle, much like your body is doing as it expels the waste from your systems. The end result is stool, but the two ideas are very similar. One whole section of the body is pushing and pulling to try and get the job done, much like a rower trying to bring his team through the finish line.


Sexual Exhaustion with Fecal Incontinence Can End Your Sex Life

Nothing can be more shameful than experiencing this type of incontinency during sexual arousal or post ejaculation. Stimulation or stress from sexual activity can signal the brain to increase the production of some neurochemicals affecting the weakened parasympathetic nerves that controls the anal sphincters and muscles around the rectum. People with very severe and long history masturbation can develop the bowl incontinency. Similar muscle damages can result from engaging in hardcore anal sex for a lengthy period of time.

Hysterectomy removes the uterus and the natural support, which bowel moves down and takes up the space where the uterus had been. When there is stool in the bowel it creates pressure on the bladder by pressing directly against it resulted in the inability to control stool.
There are a number of other factors that can disrupt this natural process and cause fecal incontinence:

  • Constipation may lead to dry, impacted stool that becomes too large to pass, causing the muscles of your rectum and intestines to stretch and weaken.
  • Long period of excessive masturbation and essential hormone depletion contributed to the weakness of cauda and parasympathetic nerve.
  • Chronic constipation may also make the nerves of the anus and rectum less responsive to the presence of stool in the rectum.
  • Diarrhea can also cause or worsen fecal incontinence since looser stool passes easier.  Often, fecal incontinence is caused by an injury that renders the anal sphincter too weak to hold back stool.
  • Any number of other factors can cause fecal incontinence, including nerve damage to cauda equina, surgery, rectal cancer, and overuse of laxatives.

Natural Solutions

Fortunately, natural treatments are available for fecal incontinence.  You can effectively treat fecal incontinence with supplementation, dietary changes, and regular exercising.  Bowel action that is slow or sluggish can be alleviated by eating the herbal mixture of four teaspoons of the fiber-rich herb psyllium, two teaspoons of chamomile, and a single teaspoon of buckthorn bark, ground down into an herbal powder.  In the short term, senna herb is a very powerful laxative.  Herbs such as calendula, marshmallow, licorice, Saint-John's-wort, chamomile, peppermint, hops and wild yam reduce inflammation and relax the nervous constriction of the digestive muscles to alleviate bowel problems.
In addition to supplementation, it is essential to maintain a regular regimen of exercise, eat high-fiber foods and avoid processed grains, and drink plenty of fluids on a daily basis.
Conditions for Incontinency to occur during sexual arousal and orgasm or post orgasm/ejaculation: an excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion in the hypothalamus and adrenal medulla for sex-induced stress (gene expression disorders in the dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin and GABA receptors of the hypothalamus, mainly due to chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation and excessive orgasm or drug abuses); a weak parasympathetic nervous (vagus & S1-S5) function (erectile disorder) and a weak serotonin nervous modulation of the sympathetic nerves L1/L2 in the pelvic cavity/urethra/bladder/penis/vagina/rectum/anus (Sympathetic nervous Fires - Fight or Flight responses); a deficiency of acetylcholine/NO and serotonin in the receptors of the nervous endings and an excessive norepinephrine/epinephrine level in the local sympathetic alpha receptors;  an over-expression of COX-2 for excessive prostaglandin E-2 leading to over-stimulation of the urethral/bladder/prostate/vaginal/rectal/anal sympathetic nerves for Fight or Flight; an under-expression of COX-1 leading to insufficient prostaglandin E-1 for retaining/restoring the integrity and healing the abrasion damage of the local nerves, blood vessels and tissues during or after sex; Direct stimulation of the urethral (vaginally overflowing or externally ejaculating of poor-quality semen into urethra for women, and seminal blasting with a poor quality semen for men)  and rectal/anal nerves (anal sex) by Prostaglandin E-2 and its 19-hydroxy-prostaglandin E-2 (due to the liver P450 enzyme 19-hydroxylase in semen) with a lack of prostaglandin E-1 in semen or in the local tissue to heal the injury.

Fecal Incontinence & Immunity

The anal and urethral tissue are more sensitive than the vaginal tissue in response to semen's prostaglandin E-2 and its 9-hydroxy-prostaglandin E-2 which, in turn, stimulates COX-2 over-expression in the local tissue for enhancing the self-production of prostaglandin E-2. Prostaglandin E-2 and its 9-hydroxy-prostaglandin E-2 are the immune suppressors for chronic infection and also the pro-inflammatory factor Interleukin-8 (IL-8) inductors. IL-8 can alternate cellular DNA, modulate neoplastic cell function and stimulate cancer (carcinomas) and tumor (tumorigenesis) development and growth.

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Views: 245

Ideas: Female, female sexual exhaustion, hysterectomy

GuideID: 60515

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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