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Sexpresso: A Super Drink for Boosting Sexual Desires

Oil is the most traded commodity; coffee, the second. Everyday, millions of men and women around the world ingest cup after cup of this dark, liquidly substance. Some  drink coffee as if it were a drug, experiencing withdrawals without it . Some drink it in moderation, one, maybe two cups a day. And now, some are using it as a sex drink. Yup, coffee, a sex drink. 
Okay, okay, coffee alone may not boost your sexual desires, but when blended with herbs, the drink can save even the most damaged sexual appetites. From curing impotence to increasing sexual desire, this Sexpresso can save your marriage, your relationship, heck, your happiness.

The Sexpresso Ingredients

For coffee to boost sexual desires, it needs a base of ingredients—maca, cinnamon, honey, cacao, and coconut milk. Together, the ingredients increase your hormone count while boosting your sexual stamina, fertility and even virility. In other words, it makes you hornier. Here’s the breakdown of the ingredients:

  • Maca: Known for its adaptogenic properties, this Aztec root boosts enzymes that balance hormones and fertility. But that’s not all Maca is known for, the root is regarded as an aphrodisiac.
  • Cacao: Cacao releases serotonin to boost your mood, but that’s not all, the ingredient pumps blood into your body. More blood releases higher serotonin and increases erectile strength.
  • Cinnamon: Known to boost energy, cinnamon maintains your stamina after a long day of work. With more energy, you’ll find yourself with increased desires for sex.
  • Coconut Milk: Considered a natural sexual stimulant, coconut milk boosts hormone production for increased sexual desires.
  • Honey: Regarded as nature’s sweetener, honey provides benefits that improve both virility and fertility.

Making the Drink

Step One: Brew 2/3 of hot coffee
Step Two: Pour coffee into a bowl
Step Three: Add 1 tablespoon of raw cacao
Step Four: Mix 2 tablespoons of coconut milk
Step Five: Pour 1 tablespoon of honey
Step Six: Add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon
Step Seven: Mix 1 teaspoon of maca
Step Eight: Stir and enjoy
Most individuals who take the drink twice a week will ingest superfoods that support sex drive. So if you, your partner or your soon-to-be partner needs a boost to his or her sexual appetite, try giving him or her this Sexpresso.

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Views: 307

Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive, Women's

GuideID: 59870

Guide Type: Solutions

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