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Penis Shrinkage – Another Exciting Benefit of Getting Older

Aging is a wonderful thing, isn't it? You don't have to worry about impressing the ladies anymore because your penis doesn't want to cooperate anyway. You don't have to worry about staying in shape because your beer belly is going to call the shots no matter how many sit-ups you perform or how many calories you consume.

Facts, Myths and FAQs about Penile Size.

1. Do my partners care more about girth or length? 90 percent of women prefer more girth than length. 

2. Does masturbation really affect the size of my penis?

3. I hear my shoes or sock size determine my penile size? False, your penis size is determined by predetermined genetic variables. 

And of course, you don't have to get roped into exhausting and tedious exercise regimens because when your younger friends invite you on that next big hike, you can simply remind them that your hips don't have the processing power that they once did. And here's yet another perk of getting older: your penis just might get smaller. Yes, isn't that just the icing on the cake? 

Penis Shrinkage – Yes, It Can Happen To You
According to WebMD, penile sensitivity decreases with age. This may be no big surprise to you, but did you know that this can actually impact your size? Researcher notes that all men have what's known as a “sensory threshold.” This is defined as the amount of stimulation that a man is able to feel.

As a man ages, his sensitivity decreases, and (therefore) so does his sensory threshold. The sharpest decline occurs between ages 65 and 75, but the process actually begins as young as 25. So even if you don't consider yourself an old geezer, you may be well into the throes of sensory decline. As sensitivity declines, the blood flow to your penis decreases. When blood fills the chambers along your shaft, your size fails to reach its full potential. It's an unfortunate, but natural reality of getting older. 
Other Causes of Penis Shrinkage 
Of course, no matter what your age, your level of shrinkage can be directly influenced by your lifestyle habits. So if you're shrugging your shoulders and thinking, “Oh well, getting old sucks,” you may not be off the hook just yet. Do you smoke? Is your diet not as nutritionally sound as it could be?

Do you masturbate frequently? If you answered yes to even one of these questions, you may be accelerating or increasing your own penis shrinkage. That's because our habits can have a direct effect on our personal health.
When it comes to penis size, there are two primary variables at work: the flow of blood, and the expansion of arteries within the fibrous sheath of the erectile chambers. Poor habits can inhibit the flow of blood, while excess masturbation can lead to the accumulation of scar tissue, which hinders the expansion of those arteries.

So in many cases, even older men can slow or reverse the effects of penis shrinkage simply by foregoing the cheeseburgers, tossing out the Marlboros and deleting the porn from the hard drive. When these efforts just aren't enough though, there are other solutions.
Getting Older Doesn't Have to Mean Getting Smaller 
Hey, even older guys have their pride to protect. And whether you've been married for 30 years or dating for 30 days, you need to feel a sense of pride and confidence when you take off those pants and embrace Miss Right (or Miss Right Now, as the case may be).

The rise in technology has made pornography more accessible. With more porn, males have begun to masturbate more. Some males are starting to notice a correlation among masturbation, porn and penile shrinkage.

In addition to maintaining healthy lifestyle habits, you can promote penile growth by massaging the shaft for about five minutes a day. Just extend your index and middle fingers in the shape of a reverse “V” and massage your shaft from top to bottom, applying firm pressure. This will promote increased blood circulation, which expands and stretches the entire shaft. 

When you find that one spot that feels different from the rest, apply additional pressure and spend additional time on that spot. That's known as your X-Spot, and you'll want to focus your emphasis on that area (LearnHow To Massage Your X-Spot). There are also some fantastic herbs that can promote penile growth. Getting older doesn't have to mean getting smaller. Treat your penis well, and put those younger guys to shame.

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Views: 624

Ideas: Male, excessive masturbation, penile enlargement

GuideID: 60589

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