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PANAX GINSENG - Not your usual Ginseng

Not to be confused with the other more common forms of ginseng, Panax ginseng is not just a plant, it is a powerful adoptagen that helps us adapt to common stresses while enhancing our endurance and resilience under trying conditions. Some people use Panax ginseng as a general tonic to help them cope with lifes burdens and improve their mental health. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners use the root to make remedies that typically work to improve thinking, concentration, memory, efficiency, stamina, and endurance.
Panax ginseng contains many active substances, of most importance are the potent agents ginsenosides and panaxosides. It is often referred to as a general well-being medication, because it affects many different systems of the body and has an incredible array of potential health benefits.
It is believed to enhance blood circulation by increasing blood levels and nitric oxide. This results in the relaxation of the arterial walls, which allows free blood flow to the penile tissues.
The herb is also used to treat symptoms emerging from depression, anxiety, and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is believed to boost the immune system, and to fight infections caused by cystic fibrosis. Symptoms such as a loss of appetite, vomiting, intestinal problems, insomnia , dizziness, headaches, anemia, gastritis, fever, hangover, and asthma  may all be treated by methods that use Panax Ginseng; it even contains properties that promote liver-detoxification, and is included in such formulas as the Natural Remedies For Alcohol Impotence for that purpose.

Panax ginseng has been used as a medicine for over two thousand years. In Western medicine, approximately 6 million Americans use it regularly. In TCM, Panax ginseng is used to make people feel calmer and is also widely used in China to treat heart and blood disorders. It’s one of the few herbs that may be engineered in formulas to be either a relaxant or a stimulant.

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Views: 416

Ideas: Male, excessive masturbation, female sexual exhaustion

GuideID: 60624

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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