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Penile Misfires – Shooting Too Fast
John and Nancy had been steady sex partners for quite some time. They got along well; she didn’t nag him about their sexual relationship being anything other than what it was, and he would give her screaming orgasms frequently.
One day Nancy wanted to hook up but John was unavailable. He stayed unavailable for several weeks, which was unusual. She went into stalker mode and lay in wait outside of his apartment. When he came out, she rushed up to him.
That Conversation
“Hi…where have you been I’ve been calling you,” she said.
“Uh…I’ve been busy, just taking care of some work and just haven’t had a lot of time.”
She looked concerned. “So are we still seeing each other? What’s really wrong?”
“Okay, well I know my penis size isn’t the greatest so I got a penis pump and I’ve been using it for a while now. It broke my junk!”
“Oh, that’s what’s been going on. Well thanks for telling me, goodbye!”

Broken Arrow
Nobody desires a broken penis, but that’s exactly what can happen when you mess around with penis weight lifting regimens, cock rings, and penis pumps. Sometimes these devices can help in the short term, but they are often misused and can result in some painful and dangerous consequences.
Weights and rings can place unnatural pressure on your member, twisting and bending it, or cutting off circulation to it. Penis pumps can create an artificial boner by creating a powerful vacuum around your penis and sucking all of the local blood supply up into your member. This usually results in severe tissue tears and blood vessel ruptures, and you can go from having a normal looking wiener to having what looks like a Franken-penis.
If your penis is all bruised and battered looking, women will most likely assume that you have some sort of disease and go running for the hills. In a desperate effort to grow their penises, men can actually cause some serious damage to them and wind up with an even smaller piece of meat to work with. So how does one recover from this dire situation?
An Ancient Technique Put to Modern Use
With its origins shrouded in the burning sands of the Middle East, jelqing was once used to introduce boys into sexual awareness and maturity. (TRY: Jelqing Technique for Bigger Penis Size) Since then, it has prospered as one of the most popular penis enlargement methods available to men, and since it isn’t a device or potentially hazardous surgical procedure, it’s completely free.
Jelqing is a technique which uses the thumb and forefinger alone, forming an “O” around the penis. A man strokes his penis outward in a milking fashion so that blood is being corralled up toward his penis head AKA glans. This process promotes penile cellular growth and also expands the interconnected blood chambers AKA corpus cavernosum, by engorging them with blood.
Here’s how to properly apply this technique:
  • Step 1: Apply an all-natural, herbal-based lubrication to your hand and your penis – this will prevent chaffing and other injuries.
  • Step 2: Get your penis half-erect but not fully – this stage of erection building ensures that the maximum amount of blood is available for mobilization since it is still filling up.
  • Step 3: Form your thumb and finger into an “O” shape.
  • Step 4: Begin stroking your penis from the base of your shaft outward to your glans in a milking motion.
  • Step 5: When your grip reaches your glans area release it.
  • Step 6: Repeat these steps for a total of 5 minutes.
For advanced users, the other hand may be used to stroke more blood into the base of the penis, and the technique can be used from 6 to 10 minutes instead of 5. Make sure that you don’t go overboard with this technique and do it for too long, and also make sure that you’re not too rough with your member; it’s a delicate organ.
Over time, you can see an improvement in not only penis length, but girth as well. So get with it and get on the jelqing bandwagon - a larger penis awaits!
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Views: 606

Ideas: Men's,Penis Enlargement,penis shrinkage

GuideID: 60611

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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