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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
Eyaculación precoz
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Bruised But Not Broken: How to Treat Penis Pain Due to Overmasturbation
I’ve heard. I’ve heard about how you started masturbating at eight, nine, or ten-years-old; way before you hit puberty. I’ve heard your worries on how you’ve ended up with a curved penis, a weird erection, how sometimes sex hurts, how even ejaculation can hurt. I’ve heard about how you can masturbate to orgasm, but can’t achieve orgasm with a woman. How you can’t stay hard during sex. How you can’t get fully hard, even when you want to. You’ve asked, and I have answers.
Too Young
You’d think all of these problems must have some divers causes. Well actually, most of them stem from the first thing I mentioned: masturbation before puberty. See, during these formative years, the body is still trying to create and normalize its neurochemical and hormonal systems. When a boy begins to engage in self-pleasure before these important structures have matured, he risks damaging many parts of his man parts, well before he’s a man.
What’s Missing?
Let’s dig a little into the science behind it, shall we? In order to correctly and happily pull off an arousal-to-ejaculation cycle, a man must have testosterone, serotonin, prolactin, dopamine, oxytocin, nitric oxide, acetylcholine, and many other minor chemical players. The thing is that there just aren’t high levels of these hormones in a boy’s body until after puberty. And without testosterone around to keep the sexual system running smoothly, a boy’s equipment is likely to get gunked up.
I’ve heard. I’ve heard about how you started masturbating at eight, nine, or ten-years-old; way before you hit puberty. I’ve heard your worries on how you’ve ended up with a curved penis, a weird erection, how sometimes sex hurts, how even ejaculation can hurt. I’ve heard about how you can masturbate to orgasm, but can’t achieve orgasm with a woman. How you can’t stay hard during sex. How you can’t get fully hard, even when you want to. You’ve asked, and I have answers.
Too Young
You’d think all of these problems must have some divers causes. Well actually, most of them stem from the first thing I mentioned: masturbation before puberty. See, during these formative years, the body is still trying to create and normalize its neurochemical and hormonal systems. When a boy begins to engage in self-pleasure before these important structures have matured, he risks damaging many parts of his man parts, well before he’s a man.
What’s Missing?
Let’s dig a little into the science behind it, shall we? In order to correctly and happily pull off an arousal-to-ejaculation cycle, a man must have testosterone, serotonin, prolactin, dopamine, oxytocin, nitric oxide, acetylcholine, and many other minor chemical players. The thing is that there just aren’t high levels of these hormones in a boy’s body until after puberty. And without testosterone around to keep the sexual system running smoothly, a boy’s equipment is likely to get gunked up.
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GuideID: 60604

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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