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Gross, but Good! - Understanding heavy vaginal blood clot expulsion

Astandard factor in the vagina’s welfare is its pH balance, which is a measurement of acidity. The purpose of the vagina’s acidic nature is to serve as active protection against infection. Since the vaginas pH is at its lowest level before and during a woman’s period, an increase of discharge will occur. Semi-solid gelatinous masses of uterine tissue mixed with coagulated blood and mucus are expelled from the uterus in the form of vaginal blood clots. Formation of the clumps usually starts with tissue damage and exposure to air.
Since the menstrual cycle is a monthly process of eliminating bodily toxins, it is the ideal time for the expulsion of blood clots that may have been lodged inside the vaginal cavity for months – maybe even years. Basically, whatever needs to be gone from within the female will come out during menstruation. It is limitlessly better to be rid of the blood clots than for them to be stuck inside, as they can become toxic and harmful to the body and may even cause cancer.
The majority of an unusually heavy presence of blood clots within the menstrual flow can often be attributed to factors such as the adverse effects of birth control pills, tubal ligation or menopause. If one experiences three successive months of heavy menstrual bleeding, certain steps should be taken; a Complete Blood Count (CBC) to check for anemia; a pelvic exam to rule out abnormal fibroids, cervical polyps or PCOS; and consultation regarding non-hormone-based alternative birth control should be sought for women currently on the pill.
Meanwhile, implementing natural remedies into the daily routine may successfully regulate heavy blood deposits. The Botanical Tincture For Heavy Menstrual Relief includes such potent and effective herbs as Fennel Seed, Corydalis, and Ginger – all effective in treating such adverse symptoms of menstruation and heavy blood clots.

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Views: 120

Ideas: Women, PMS issues, birth control pills

GuideID: 60479

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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