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Breast Enlargement: Hills of Potential Peril
Breast implants are considered the most dangerous of all cosmetic procedures, and according to the Huffington Post, every year the number of surgeries continues to rise. In 2012, the 330,000 operations performed made breast augmentation the most popular plastic surgery of the year. Most women remain complacent about the dangers of the operation, and the risks can be compared to bleeding in shark-infested waters. 
Nothing lasts forever, but we hope that cosmetic changes will. Unfortunately, 90 percent of augmented breasts rupture within 20 years. The FDA determined that 69 percent of women it examined had ruptured implants and didn’t even know it!
What Every Woman Should Know About Silicone and Saline
The United States doctors generally use two types of material for breast enlargement: silicon and saline. And while the outer shell of both contain silicone, the difference lies in the content of the implants. Saline implants contain sterile saltwater; silicone implants, silicone gel. According to Dr. Edward Melmed, a Texas plastic surgeon, 50 percent of all silicone implants rupture within 15 years and 94 percent by 20 years. He even refers to implants as an “industrial toxin” and raises one very disturbing question:
“Why is the FDA continuing to allow a device to be placed in young women that is 80% guaranteed to fail in 10 years?”
So Which Implant Is Better? 
According to current research, no one type of breast implant is safer than the other, although each has its pros and cons. 
Silicone implants date back to 1962, seeing a boom in popularity during the 1980s. While silicone augmentation operations surged in the ‘80s, experts became aware of the number of side effects, such as the potential links between ruptured silicone gel and lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.
Complications due to leakages or ruptures can arise from either type of breast implant. Silicone implants can release toxins and chemicals into the bloodstream that may lead to bacterial and fungal development. Other complications may include late detection of ruptures; only an MRI can spot silicone ruptures. Silicon implants require costly MRI scans; the FDA recommends an MRI three years after breast surgery and once every two years. 
Saline implant ruptures are easier to detect, and because Saline is made up of saltwater, it presents no harm to the body. Many women believe this makes these implants a bit safer, however, if the implant is damaged (usually from pressure during a mammogram) bacteria and fungus can flourish. Despite these somewhat safer ingredients, most women prefer the silicone implants because they look and feel like real breast tissue; saline implants feel and look fake because they swell the skin. Another slight advantage to saline implants is the post-operative size adjustment woman can opt for.
Remember that breast implants wear out and need to be replaced just like most things in life. Herbal remedies are effective alternatives for breast enlargement primarily because they do not include the added costs and dangers. Phyto-estrogen, which is a hormone-like substance found in certain herbs, can influence estrogen activity by mimicking its effects in the female body. It has been used successfully to enlarge breasts and to alleviate hormonal imbalance as well. (See Natural Ways For Bigger Breast Growth)
Breast enlargement can be two additional metaphorical hills to climb as well as to have, to hold and to wear.
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Ideas: Women's, Breast Enlargement, Breast Enlargement

GuideID: 60246

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