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Oral Communication: How to Tell Him About His Lack of Oral Pleasure
A woman-vibrator relationship can be a beautiful matrimony—when done in moderation.

Excessive vibrator usage can, after all, lead to some serious problems. And it's important to remember that your special toy is different than your man.

If you're getting pleasure from your vibrator that you aren't receiving from your man, pay attention to the differences of each. What does your vibrator do that your man isn't? When spotting the differences, keep in mind that you control the vibrator.

Comparisons and Communication: Vibrator vs. Partner

VibratorPredictable, reliable, sanitary and disposable
Predictable, unchangeable and easily lost
PartnerAlive, creative, adaptable and original
Unpredictable, will full, easily fatigues and irreplaceable (for the most part)

Ask Yourself
You chose the design and function; you choose how you use it, too. Your man won't know what you're doing with it or how it curls your toes unless you're able to tell him those things.  Communicate with him to show him what you like. And while you cannot change your man's “specifications,” you can help him learn how to use what he has.
Consider how you use your vibrator. If you were to hand it over to your man and tell him to pleasure you with it, what would you say? You've spent a lot of time with your vibrator, so now's the time to express what you've learned about your vibrator and your own body.

Does firm pressure on your clitoris cause you to orgasm? Then you should have your man find your C-spot and massage it with the tip of his tongue. Alternately, if the inhuman velocity of the movements lights up your circuits, then perhaps your man could see how quickly he could lick your clitoris in either an up-and-down or a side-to-side motion.

Tell Him
It is crucial that you keep him informed of your reactions. There are limits to how well he can interpret your ooh’s, ah’s and um’s. Likewise, clamping your hands onto his head to physically guide him without speaking will only help so much. Speak to him! The better he becomes, the less talking you'll have to do.

Homework That He'll Really Enjoy
It's quite possible that your man doesn't know a lot about oral sex. He may know a lot about penile and vaginal intercourse because it's similar to masturbation, but getting good at oral sex requires a partner to provide feedback. Fortunately, the Internet offers many resources on the subject.

Let him research a few ideas and discuss them with you before trying them out. You'll be a better judge of what will feel good in the early stages of the experiments. Once he gets the general idea of what you like, he'll be able to surprise you with new ideas without clearing them with you first.
And who knows? Perhaps he'll find the magic technique that really will leave you begging him to stop, because you can't handle any more orgasms...

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Views: 204

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty, Oral Communication

GuideID: 60071

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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