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Man... Are you on men-on-pause?
Menopause requires the word "men" to spell, and while men may not menstruate, they still suffer menopausal-like issues caused by fleeting testosterone.
Male menopause, sometimes called "Man-o-pause" or "men-on-pause," remains a new idea. Just in the last few years, the condition started to became more acceptable as a possible cause for hormonal changes in men.
Men and Their “T” 
Although men and women both produce testosterone, they each use it differently. Women use testosterone to burn estrogen to power libido; men, to develop testicles and power their sex drive.
When the production of testosterone weakens, males start to feel moody, depressed, and exhibit low sex drive. Males start to exhibit symptoms such as penile shrinkage, difficulty maintaining erections and premature ejaculation as a result of the lowered testosterone. But male menopause, unlike menopause, does not affect all men, nor do all males exhibit all the signs of the condition. 
In some instances, male menopause can affect men as early as 20 years old. According to a recent study, 1700 middle-aged men experienced some type of sexual problem. Only 40 percent of men in their 40s, 50s and 60s experienced some degree of lethargy, depression, increased irritability, mood swings, and difficulty in attaining and sustaining erections.

Prevent it From Going Limp
You may be getting older, but you don't have to take a limp penis and other menopausal symptoms lying down. The Herbal Tincture For Male Menopause includes special ingredients to put the "bone" back in your boner, such as Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium)—an aphrodisiac that strengthens nerves and enhances blood flow. The herb was discovered after taking note that the goats who ingested the Horny Goat Weed shagged like rabbits.
Included in the tincture is also Shizandra, which helps restore vitality, enhances the mind, and increases production of semen that encourages you to release more of your semen. With Ligustrum for blood flow, Lycium for sexual energy and endurance, and Cornus for premature ejaculation, this tincture is the perfect preparation for a night of male-menopause free passion!
A Few Tips About Tinctures
A tincture is described a coloring or staining substance with pigments. Herbal tinctures are usually prepared using alcohol as a solvent. If you are not able to consume alcohol, apple cider or wine vinegar make suitable substitutes. Do not use plastic containers for risk of the ethanol in the tincture negatively interacting with the vinyl substances in plastic.

The Herbal Tincture for male menopause is designed to keep the fire in your sexual desires burning hot well passed man-on-pause.

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Views: 159

Ideas: Men's, Male Menopause, low testosterone

GuideID: 60049

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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