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Smoking Marijuana? It Kills Your Erection
Many myths surround the health effects of marijuana usage, and many of those are being used to help block its legalization. Without getting too political, it’s important to note that the effect marijuana has on youth impotence is more fact than fiction.
Youth impotence is the inability for a young man to achieve and maintain an erection during what should be the peak of their sexual prowess. Marijuana usage can be a factor of this sort of impotence due to the drug’s popularity amongst young people and the effect it has on the nervous system and brain.

How It Happened
Arteries and blood vessels are responsible for creating functional blood flow throughout the body. This blood flow is necessary because it helps maintain a healthy erection. Smoking marijuana elevates prostaglandin E2 molecules in your body which will marginally shrink arteries. Abuse of the drug can significantly constrict these arteries due to those molecules present in marijuana, tampering with the blood flow to the penis that powers erections.

Additionally, the liver also suffers from a reduction in nutrient and hormone production due to abuse of marijuana. These combined effects can lead to male impotence.
A chronic usage of marijuana in young men can dilate arteries and vessels which control blood flow, damaging the levels of testosterone, estradiol, cholesterol and prolactin within the body, as well as blood pressure. These symptoms are substantially linked to youth impotence.

If You Are Under 21
For men under the age of 21, the brain is still in a state of development. Chronic marijuana usage can stifle this development, magnifying the negative side effects. Young men who habitually consume marijuana could be inducing this impotence, causing poor performance and erection quality.

When this happens, the frustration of not being able to sustain an erection can create a fear of sex which will further the strength and duration of their impotence.
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Views: 235

Ideas: Men's, Youth Impotence, Smoking

GuideID: 59196

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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