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Help Control Your Acne, Pimples, Zits Naturally
Acne refers to a common skin disorder in men as well as women. There are many causes of acne but few people know that over masturbation or excessive masturbation also leads to acne. The penis is like any other muscle in the body. It needs to stay erect occasionally and it needs the right amount of hormones to ensure proper flow of blood.
When one over masturbates it has negative effects not only on the penis but also on some parts of the body. The common effect on the penis is that it gradually starts losing its strength to stay erect.

The negative effects on the body include disruption in the endocrine nervous system, altered brain patterns and hormonal imbalance (especially a hormone called testosterone). It is this hormonal imbalance that leads to acne.

Research indicates that imbalance of androgen hormones result in the over production of sebum in the sebaceous glands. This leads to growth of bacteria, thereby leading to acne.
As mentioned before, acne is a skin disorder where certain areas of the skin become inflamed and reddish. One of the main causes of acne is the excess production of hormones (such as testosterone) in the body, thereby leading to imbalance. Apart from acne, the body may undergo other symptoms as well such as pain in the back, weaker erection, thinning hair, fatigue, blurry vision and pain in the testis.
The Symptoms of O.M Acne
From the symptoms, it is acne which is most visible to other people and hence the sufferer might want to get rid of this symptom on an urgent basis. Today there are hundreds of treatments available for acne but we don’t know which will work and which ones are just gimmicks. There are ads all over the internet, newspaper, TV and other mediums that promise quick and permanent cure for acne. Most of the products claim to reduce acne but a few of them make claims to remove the cause and that is hormonal imbalance.
Today the best way to treat hormonal imbalance is to use an effective acne herbal treatment and outbreak control formula. Herbal treatments have natural ingredients and they don’t contain dangerous chemicals. Hence there is no risk of any side effects. This herbal acne treatment helps to restore the imbalance in the hormones. The formula has been used by skin specialists and doctors in their clinics.

They contain vital ingredients that do a variety of jobs. Some ingredients help to improve blood circulation while others reduce stress hormones. Many of these herbal products for treating acne have anti-fungal properties. They have been traditionally been used since a long time to treat inflammation of the skin.

The outward appearance is what matters to a lot of people and hence it becomes vital to treat acne and similar skin disorders quickly and effectively. The best part of herbal treatment for acne is that it is not at all expensive and it will show excellent results without any side effects. Off course, preventive measures like masturbation in control should be practiced to impede growth of acne in the first place.

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Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Zits Naturally

GuideID: 58847

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