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Menopause: Sex Life 2.0
Menopause is a change all women will endure.  It occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, serving as the precursor to the end of fertility. And thanks to hormonal changes in the body caused by menopause, a woman will experience a bevy of side effects, including lower libido.
Some people falsely associate a woman’s inability to reproduce with a lack of sexual desire. While true that age decreases libido—in both men and women--it is wrong to assume that a woman’s sexual desire disappears all together. For example, some women showcase a higher sex drive with increases of age, particularly the recent trend of older women dating significantly younger men.
The Age Factor
An article in the online edition of the U.K. Daily Mail quotes artist/writer Molly Parkin as saying, “My superior sex life started in middle age.”  Parkin states that she married her second husband at age 36, and for over a decade the two engaged in passionate sex “three times a day.” 
Even after her divorce at age 48, Parkin says she continued to receive an onslaught of male attention, and her sexual heyday flourished well into her 50s.
A woman’s sexuality can start to bloom in her forties for several reasons- including the old adage “with age comes experience.” At middle age a woman has had the benefit of years of learning about her body and understanding her needs and wants.
Issues with Hormones
Still, for many women the hormone changes associated with menopause can severely impact their ability to become sexual aroused thanks to the depletion of the hormone Dehydroepiandrosterone, known as DHEA.
Produced by the adrenal glands, gonads and brain, DHEA remains the most abundant circulating steroid in the human body. Its predominant function includes acting as a metabolic intermediary in the biosynthesis of estrogen sex steroids. Any decreases to DHEA can lead directly to lower sex drive.

Research studies have shown that supplemental DHEA can have a positive effect in restoring a woman’s libido. Once this is achieved it is important to sustain the right amount of DHEA secretions. This can be done with a complex solution of natural herbs to aid in maintaining a healthy sexual appetite. So ladies, turned down the lights, light up the candles, and turn on the music, because the night belongs to you. “Rowr!”

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Views: 224

Ideas: Women's, Low Sex Drive, Menopause

GuideID: 58626

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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