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Masturbation: How Much Is Too Much?
I would definitely have to say that I was introduced to my own sexuality very early in life. By the time I was fourteen, I already knew how to masturbate, and was doing it quite often. I realized it's potential immediately after my very first orgasm. From then on I was pretty much like a sex machine...For myself, anyway.
Gaining Exposure
If I had a rough day I would come home and masturbate. If I was stressed out about test scores, I would come home and masturbate. And my life pretty much went on this way until I reached the age of eighteen, when I finally lost my virginity to another human being.
Unfortunately, because of all of my past self explorations, actually having sex did not exactly set off any fireworks as I had expected. I couldn't figure out why I was able to reach climax by myself, but when sex involved another person I just froze up. It was mind boggling.
Eventually, I figured things out, and how it all worked, but by the time I was used to working all the extra bells and whistles I had developed a whole new problem.
Southern Exposure
It turns out, because of all the early sexual exposure I gained during adolescence, I had developed a hormonal imbalance that would essentially make me go limp right in the middle of intercourse. Embarrassing, I know. It was like, right as I was finally discovering the promise land, somebody came by and took the wind right out of my sails.
At first, I knew I needed to fix my problem, but I just didn't know where to start. So, I did what any kid with a computer could do. . . I researched! And luckily, I found that this is actually a pretty common occurrence, especially for men.
The first step was to stop masturbating so much. I practically had to where a chastity belt for a month, but I did it. Probably one of the hardest “cold turkey” moments of my life. I actually gave up smoking two years ago, and even that was easier than giving up masturbation in my early twenties.
Herbal Explorations
Once I had the excessive wanking under control, I started to look for natural ways to help balance out my hormonal level once more. I found a great remedy that includes ingredients such as Panax Ginseng, Tribulus, Os Draconis, Nacre, Cistanche, and Butea Superba. (TRY: Cong Rong Cistanche For Longer Lasting Erections)
With the help of these herbs, and my continued abstinence, I was able to stabilize my imbalanced sex hormones enough so that when the time arose, so did I. Herbs like Nacre increase control over the ejaculation valve nerve endings. Tribulus will help the body's ability to produce an adequate amount of testosterone so that erections become a possibility again.
The mixture of herbs in this natural remedy will also help to increase better blood circulation, so that you are able to get an erection and sustain it throughout your typical session of intercourse.

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Views: 196

Ideas: Men's, Impotence, Over Masturbation

GuideID: 58581

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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